A lovely flower greeting for you No.25....Einen lieben Blumengruß für euch Nr. 25..... HomeArtPictures Originalcontent (HQ Photos)
Good morning dear Steemians,
After this night it was a bit restless, the weather has calmed down again. The rain has stopped, but it is gray and there is a lot of fog. The perfect weather for my trip to the Spreewald. But maybe the sun is still coming out. So that the day nevertheless does not start without comfort, there is a small flower greeting from me for you. So, dear Steemians, I wish you all a nice and stress-free Thursday.
Guten Morgen liebe Steemians,
nach dem es diese Nacht etwas unruhig war, hat sich das Wetter wieder beruhigt. Der Regen hat zwar aufgehört, jedoch ist es grau und es ist viel Nebel zu sehen. Das perfekte Wetter für meinen heutigen Ausflug in den Spreewald. Aber vielleicht kommt ja die Sonne noch etwas heraus. Damit der Tag dennoch nicht trostlos startet, gibt es einen kleinen Blumengruß von mir für euch. Also liebe Steemians, ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen und stressfreien Donnerstag.
Photo by @HomeArtPictures
very nice
many thanks @anikearn
You are great photographer.I like your work.
thanks a lot @head10
Well done.
I'll follow your account to see how you doing. Because me too want earnings as like you @yash0108
thanks @yash0108
Very beautiful flowers .. regards back to you :-)
many thanks @rizasukma
You are welcome my brother :-)
So beautiful flowers. Nice photography
thx @monalishabiswas
Beautiful pics :)
thanks @mikisolus
Beautiful flower @homeartpictures
thanks a lot @herzaseptian
U're welcome Sir @homeartpictures
Woww..so beautiful..
many thanks @nilmi
Wow nice clic right there! Upvoted
thanks a lot @maruharraca
You got my vote and a resteem :]
many thanks @cupcake