The Trees are a Budding.

in #photography6 years ago

So today it is raining and quite dreary outside, here in Dorval, Quebec; which is just outside of the Montreal city center on the West Island.

However, even though it is raining, I decided on this quiet Sunday to put on my coat, hat, scarf and boats (on this slightly chilly spring day) and take a walk down to the water’s edge, where I venture quite often when I feel the need for a bit of exercise, as I definatly am out of shape.


Anyway today I decided to take my phone with me and take a few photos which I thought I’d share with you. They hopefully show that even though it doesn’t look like a spring day, mother nature has not forgotten and that from once bare, brittle trees and bushes; buds are starting to peek through and so soon enough everything will be green and glorious.


Here (above photo) two buds are clearly ready to come out; this is branches sticking out from the tree. And the photo below is my favourite for today as it came out quite clear and showed both the bushel budding but also a raindrop on the branch.


I hope you enjoyed looking at my photos as much as I did taking them. The fun thing about just going around taking photos is I find it almost forces you (in a pleasant way) to notice the world around and how it's teaming with life.


Hey, what do you call those furry little buds in the last picture? While I was on my evening walk outside, I wondered what they are called in English.

I just quickly looked it up and some are called Pussy Willows. I'm not quite sure if this is one or not, but kinda neat though what Mother Nature dishes out.

I have actually heard that before, I just didn't remember it :)

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