Seven Day B&W Challenge - Day Seven: Where it all began

The Challenge
• Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.
• Present one image every day for seven days.
• No people.
• No explanation.
• Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.
• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.
Challenge completed! It was fun to capture and choose the shots for it, so once again thanks to @abigail-dantes and @replichara for the nomination!
See you tomorrow for some Sciencey goodness...
This B&W challenge is viral on Facebook too. There was a time of Ice Buckets :)
Ah, I remember that time... posting the seven B&W pictures seems a lot more enjoyable, though! ;-)
Congrats on finishing the challenge. I like how you just got the reflection of the sun just at the edge of the water.
Thanks! The whole scene was just so beautiful, one of those perfect moments that you just feel the need to immortalize.
"Where it all began" + "ocean" makes me think of "life originated in the oceans".
That's one beautiful interpretation, @alexander.alexis! As a biologist if feels very fitting, hehe... however, in this case, it has a more personal meaning to me.
Best photography.