Yes, My Best Friend Is My Cat. 🐱

Hey Steemit!
Hopefully, you all had a chance to read my introduction. If not, you can read it here.

It has been quite the weekend for me! Let me tell you! There has been quite a lot of booze, good times, and most of all of plain old fun. However it has distracted me from getting my Steemit on, so I thought I’d make a lovely post about the love of my life, Daphne.


Pets Rule. Parents Drool.

Growing up, I never had a pet. I come a traditional Haitian family and Haitians don’t have pets. If they do, they more than likely live on the streets and visit the Home to avoid starvation. Basically the ideal pet relationship right? As a first generation kid in America, it’s hard to not get sucked into pet world. Literally everyone I knew growing up had some type of animal. I had friends with cats, dogs, snakes, lizards, gerbils, and many more. So you can probably say I was more than a little bit jealous. Most Falls were spent creating bullet lists of how my life would be drastically improved by a pet in hopes my parents would take pity on me and cave. Every time they’d laugh before turning around and continuing their day. I could hear the no in their silence. Eventually, my tender heart had to pass on the dreams of having a non human companion.

The Kitten From Hell!

Actual imagery of Daphne being possessed.

Fast forward to years later. I'm now a Senior in college living in a two bedroom apartment with two of my best friends from high school. I do not know what possessed us to decide we were responsible enough to adopt a kitten, but we took the leap. It was almost destiny when a girl I was working with at the time mentioned how she was trying to find a home for a stray. After discussing it with my roommates, we decided we would bring her into our home. We were so excited to have a bundle of joy in our lives. Little did we know, this kitten who would come to be known as Daphne, would cause complete chaos in our home. WARNING: DO NOT GET A PET WITH FRIENDS! From arguing over who would pay insurance, to cleaning the litter, to the fact that Daphne could be plain unfriendly, getting a cat nearly ruined one of friendships. Eventually, we all moved out and I decided to keep her. I couldn't imagine giving her away because I knew she was a bit crazy from living in a crazy environment. Deep down, Daphne was a cat that made you earn her love, and I was determined for her to let me into her heart.

My True First Child.

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Now two years later, Daphne and I have a pretty cute relationship. After hours of cuddling, feeding, and poop scooping, I can finally say that Daphne and I are best buds. At this point in my life, I don't know what I'd do without her. Now, she still hates pretty much everyone except for me. I pray for the day when my husband - who is a HUGE dog person - and Daphne can finally get along. To me, Daphne is my first true child. I've taken care of her for so many years and loved her even when she's broken all my cups or scratched the shit out my hands. The few hours a day we get to cuddle and waking up to her sleeping next to me, make it all worth it.



Well obviously this post is dedicated to the one and only super cat Daphne! She's gonna be four this year and I hope I can convince the husband to let me build her some wall furniture, but we shall see! Do you guys have pets? How did you meet the love bug in your life? Let me know in the comments and DON'T FORGET PICTURES!!

If you wanna see more from me, please follow me around the internets.

I will also be looking for freelance work by the end of February, so don't hesitate to send an email to



Jajajaja yes! they are equal XD

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