Lone Pine Koala Santuary #2

This is part two of my series about the animals at the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary near Brisbane. As promised I will start out with the koalas since theose adorable animals are the main attraction at the Park. 

Besides kangaroos are koalas probably the most famous symbol of Australias wildlife. Whenever I thought about Australia I connected it with koalas and kangaroos :)

Koalas are nocturnal. Therefore they sleep most of the time during the day. They even sleep up to 20 hours per day. They sit on branches in the tree and sleep. For me it's some kind of feat that they are able to hold the balance while sleeping in order not to fall of the trees but for them it seems like the easiest thing on earth. But that's the big difference between animals that live on trees and us :D

On this picture you can see one of the koalas at the sanctuary enjoying his sleep :) Isn´t it adorable?

Adult koalas get between 60 and 85 centimeters tall and weigh up to 14 kilogramm. But the wildliving koalas here in Queensland are among the smaller ones.

But sadly koals are among the endangered animals here in Australia :( They mostly live in eastern Australia. In western Australia there are not really any. 

On the next picture you can see a koala family :)

Koala mothers are pregnant for only 35 days. When the baby is born it is only the tiny size of a jelly bean. It also is blind and naked at first. Therefore the mum keeps it in her sac for 6 to 7 months. During the last weeks in the sac the koala baby opens its eyes and starts looking out of the sac. It also starts to get used to eating leaves instead of the milk of its mother. After 12 months the child is big enough to be on its own.

Since this koala baby is already out of the sac and eating leaves but still being a lot of weight away from being grown out I think this cute koala could be around 8 months old.

Here is a closer shot of the baby eating a leave :) I really love this picture! It looks kind of boldfaced ;)

I hope you enjoyed my story about the Koalas at Lone Pine :) 

Next time I want to show you my personal highlight with the koalas at the Sanctuary :) <3


They certainly are adorable.. Great shots! And.. Thanks for sharing.

Cool pictures, thanks for sharing @joyandhappiness!

Thank you! I am always happy to share :)

Great Shots!
Protect our koalas!

Thanks! I totally agree!

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