[Bilingual] Lebah : Intisari Akrab dan Manifestasi Rasa Nyaman | Bee Learning Familiarity and Comfortable

in #photography6 years ago


Akrab berarti kedekatan antara seseorang dengan seseorang lainnya. Kedekatan tersebut muncul bisa saja karena ada hubungan darah dan persaudaraan, pertemanan, karena tetangga, atau karena seringnya bersama seperti rekan kerja. Bahkan kedekatan/keakraban bisa muncul pada seseorang yang mempunyai rentang umur yang berbeda. Keakraban pada intinya adalah sikap dan perasaan yang tumbuh karena intensitas seseorang dengan orang lain. Itulah beberapa fakta tentang kedekatan/keakraban.

Familiar means the closeness between someone and someone else. This closeness can arise because blood relationship and brotherhood, friendship, because of neighbors, or because still together like colleagues. The closeness/intimacy can arise in different age range. Essentially, Familiarity is an attitude and feeling that grows because of someone's intensity with others. Those are some facts about closeness / familiarity.

Kedekatan atau keakraban pada manusia terbangun karena adanya perasaan nyaman. Namun ini sangatlah wajar karena Tuhan memang menciptakan dan memberi fasilitas akal dan hati kepada manusia. Manusia karena akal dan hatinya bisa dekat dengan seseorang bahkan dengan binatang sekalipun. Lalu bagaimana binatang dan tumbuhan ?

Familiarity and closeness for Humans is awakened by a feeling of comfort. But this is very natural because God create and provide facilities for Brain and Heart to humans. Because of Brain and heart can be close to someone even with animals. How about animals and plants?


Hari ini aku belajar tentang makna terdalam dari sebuah keakraban dari seekor lebah. Sekilas kalau kamu melihat lebah yang sedang menikmati manisnya sari bunga, itu bukan bermaksud bahwa Lebah sedang mengeksploitasi bunga. Justru hubungan keduanya terbangung sejak lama dan tidak ada yang dirugikan sama sekali. Mengapa ?

Today I learned about the deepest meaning of a familiarity from a bee. At first glance, if you see a bee enjoying the sweetness of a flower, it does not mean that the bee is exploiting flowers. Precisely the relationship between them flew for a long time and no one was harmed at all. Why ?

Karena lebah sadar bahwa sebagai pencari nafkah, lebah hanya
mempunyai mulut untuk mencari sari bunga untuk dibawa pulang kepada keluarganya. Disisi lain, Lebah sadar bahwa dirinya mempunyai sayap yang dapat membantu si bunga dalam penyerbukan. Lalu bagaimana dengan bunga ? Bunga dititipkan karunia melahirkan sesuatu yang ternilai harganya yaitu sari. Bunga juga sadar bahwa meskipun memiliki sesuatu yang berharga namun dia dititipkan kekurangan karena tidak bisa berkembang tanpa bantuan lebah dan hewan lain.

Because bees are aware that as a breadwinner, bees are only
have a mouth to find flowers to take home to his family. On the other hand, Bee is aware that he has wings that can help the flower in pollination. Then what about flowers? Flowers entrusted with gifts can create something priceless, namely quintessence. Flowers also realizes that even though she has something valuable, she is left with a shortage because she cannot develop without the help of bees and other animals.


Pernahkah terjadi saling tuntut, saling melebihkan diri sendiri antara lebah dan bunga ? tidak pernah, karena mereka tidak diberikan akal dan hati. Lebah merasa nyaman dengan perannya, demikian juga bunga merasa nyaman dengan keadaannya. Bagaimana dengan manusia ? sulit sekali untuk menjelaskannya. Namun kita melihat bahwa satu negara yang terkenal akrab dengan negara lain bisa berakhir dengan berperang. Negara-negara yang dikendalikan oleh manusia saja akhirnya membuat Nuklir karena alasan tidak nyaman dengan negara lain.

Is there ever been a demand for each other, exaggerating themselves between bees and flowers? No and never, because they are not given brain and heart. Bees feel comfortable with their role, so flowers feel comfortable with their situation. What about humans? very difficult to explain. But we see now many country being familiar with other countries can end up by fighting. many Countries that are controlled by humans finally make nuclear because uncomfortable reasons with other countries.

Begitulah manusia. Begitulah kodratnya. Hanya satu kata, mari kita ciptakan kenyamanan di antara kita sehingga kita bisa memupuk keakraban di antara kita.

That's the human. That's the nature. Only one word, let's create a comfortable situation between us, the we can make intimacy among us for best future.

Thanks for your appreciation with my photography and proude for me then I can learn their post is Mr. @levycore, @royalmacro, @kus-knee, @deltasteem, @drwom @claudiaz, @deltasteem, @qurator, @worldcapture, @my451r, @abbiephoto, @samprock, @cave-man, @turkishcrew, @madlenfox, @adam-aj, etc.

How do you think after look my photography ?? If you interesting, please drop your comment and follow me to get spirit for some exciting post in near future. God Bless You All.

My best regard


[All Pictures taken original by me]

[Camera maker : Canon EOS 800D]

[Flash Mode : No Flash, Compulsory]

[Date taken : October 13, 2018]

[Location : Paro Hill, Aceh Besar, Indonesia]

[Author : @khaimi]

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Please don't sting me :)

Hahaha... No, he dont want to sting you, just give you a little kiss. You wannit @for91days?

Nice color. Congrats my brother

Thanks My big brother (abi) @turkishcrew, Hope you give some correction in my writting and my photography. Barakallah

hard shot but ya it's great and colorful one :)

Thanks brother @cityofstars. I hope can more shot next. but Its hard to shot moving objek.

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