Most valuable thing on our planet

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Do you know what is the most valuable thing on our planet?
No, it's not money, it's not diamond or any kind of gems, it's not jewelry...

Most valuable thing on planet are forests

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Forests occupy approximately four billion hectares or approximately 30 percent of the global land surface.
They are the most complex land-based ecosystems where you will find, besides the trees, many other species of plants, animals, mushrooms and microorganisms.


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Forests have great significance in subsistence of our planet.
The direct and biggest benefit of forests is the production of oxygen and everything on this planet needs oxygen.

Some other benefits are that forest is the best and cheapest filter for drinking water, they prevent soil erosion and many others.

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Big date in history represents 21.May and it's marked as "World Forest Day". 21. May is declared at the initiative of the General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture 1971. and the initiative was accepted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization too.
The significance of forests for survival is illustrated by the fact that ecologist Vangari Mathai received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004, which was first awarded in the field of environmental protection.

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But biggest enemy to the forests is human.It's sad but true.
They have been reduced for centuries. People cut millions of trees to get a wood for food, heat and build houses. They also crush large spaces to transform them into arable land or pasture for livestock. Thus, natural areas are gradually changed and transformed into rural estates.

Next to deforestation, big problem is trash which is thrown by human again.
Not only that it do harm to plants and trees but it can easily start fire too. Great example is forest fire in California which is happening right now.
In 2012, here in my place, fire started due the glass bottle. It was very sunny day and light reflected through bottle and started fire.

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So, main lesson from this post is that we need to keep forests clean and safe, We don't need to ruin them. They are just helping us, nothing else.
For the end, I will write you some interesting facts about forests and I think you should keep them in mind:

-A person can live without food for 5 weeks, without water for 5 days and without air for only 5 minutes
-Beech forests of 1 ha can receive as much as 68 tons of soot and dust
-Only 4 beech trees for 100 years provide oxygen to one man for 80 years
-World's forest atmosphere, annualy gives 86 billion tons of oxygen and absorbs as much as 119 billion tons of carbon dioxide

I hope this post ignited a spark in you that you should keep forests clean and dont ruin them because they give us life. This is all my original work and my own photos. I would really appreciate your follow and upvote and dont forget to comment your thoughts about current situation with forests and forest fires.

What a read! personally I love the picture with the tunnel feeling the best!
Also the numbers you sum up at the and are a superb way to summarize the essence of you story. 🎄 way to go there. Also we should not forget the oxygen production by algae and to keep the oceans clean 2. I am stating the obvious here I know. 😉

Thank you very much, I really appreciate your thinking! ;)

No problem just keep up the good work!

Yeah, I like the summarization at the end, too.

Good way to end a post !

I really like the pictures, and the vibrant colors. But It’s sad how humanity has taken over something so beautiful, and turned it into buildings or a waste land. It shouldn’t be like that. Real like the message of this blog!

Thank you for your support! :)

Apsolutno si u pravu.
Sve potiče od vaspitanja ili nevaspitanja, kako god. Ja učim svoju decu, kako je moja majka mene učila. Zna se gde se bacaju otpaci. Ali ljudi su nekulturni, ne mare ni za sta.
Svaka čast za post! 😉

Hvala puno na podršci! ;)

wow you doing very good here
very beautiful content
Resteeming let arrive to 100$

Thanks again ;)

can you check my last post mate ??

Odlican post, odlicne fotografije, a suma..samo da se odseli sa ove planete ali i tamo bi je nasli zlotvori da unistavaju..

Текст је пун погодак, @mladenpaunovic, било би лепо имати и верзију на српском. Честитам!

Hvala puno! Pokusacu da preformulisem i na Srpski ali ce mi trebati malo vremena s obzirom da sam zauzet ovih dana :D


teşekkürler :)

Congratulations @mladenpaunovic!
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This summer is going to be the summer I really start camping and hiking in the forests of the Rocky Mountains. I just need to watch out for bears

Be safe man :) Its good idea, I like camping too ;)

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