
Nice to see your post after a while :)

I know, was lazy lately :)

Se strinjam s @crazy-andy -jem :)
Tele vajine fotke prav vabijo v toplejše kraje. Tuki počas temperature niso več fajn. Uživajta v jasnem nebu, “nižjih” temperaturah in v “zimskih” mesecih. Sej ne morm verjet, d sm to prjavla (zimskih, nižjih T 😬) 😉 narobe svet ti rečem 😂🤣🙃

Ha! And you call that a winter?! :D

Btw, what's with the flags? So many of them on the beach.

Winter is when the temperatures drop below 30 :)

Pa res ... kaj je s tem zastavam???

What is the purpose of the flags @noperope?

Flag day celebration. It is a commemoration of UAE founders.

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