Provenience of SABANG (The Wonderful Land)

in #photography7 years ago


Image source: From my Instagram

Sabang's own name, as Nur's knowledge, comes from the Acehnese "saban", which means equally or without discrimination. The word departs from the character of the Sabang people who tend to easily accept immigrants or visitors. This character is somewhat different from the character of Acehnese generally who tend to be closed to people they just know.

"Perhaps because of the long conflict involved so many Acehnese who chose to be closed," said Djafar (45), a resident of Sabang.

Another version mentions that the name Sabang comes from the Arabic "shabag", which means the mountain erupts.

Naming Sabang allegedly departed from the many volcanoes in Sabang whose traces can be seen in Jaboi hot water attractions. Currently these attractions are no longer leaving hot water. But, the remains of sulfur there confirm that there was once a volcano there.

Pulau Weh or Sabang has been known to the world since the beginning of the 15th century. Chinese explorer, Cheng Ho, had stopped there in 1413-1415.

Note Ma Huan, one of Zheng He's translators, explained that in the northwest of Aceh there is a land with a towering mountain, which he named Mount Mao. There are about 30 families.

In his book Ying Yai Sheng Lan which was later translated as The Overall Survey of The Ocean's Shores, Ma Huan told that the land became one of the transit places of merchants from various countries.

Mount Mao that looks striking from the ocean becomes a beacon or a marker for the merchants. Sabang itself is the best laka wood producer and producer of lotus flower.

Many historians assert that the meaning of Mount Mao is Pulau Weh," said researcher from the Center for History and Social Studies of the State University of Medan, Erond L Damanik.

Erond also suspected that Sabang was then part of a maritime commerce network stretching from the Persian Gulf to Southern China in the 12th to 15th centuries. Thailand, Sri Lanka and India are included.

Weh Island itself is a border area of ​​Indonesia with India and Thailand.

Looking at the historical record, Erond is not surprised if later in Sabang standing free port. Therefore, international trade traffic has been going on in Sabang for a long time.

Before World War II, Sabang became one of the important port cities, even more important than Singapore (Temasek). Sabang Free Port has been running since 1895. Sabang's position became more strategic as Indonesia formed regional economic cooperation with Malaysia and Thailand in 1985.

Early January 2000 President Abdurrahman Wahid confirmed Sabang as a free port and free trade area. Imported goods through Sabang tax free. Luxury cars from Singapore sold cheap in the city.

However, when Aceh was designated as a military operation area, Sabang's activities as a free harbor ceased.

The activities of free harbors are increasingly quiet with the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 610 / MPP / Kep / 10/2004 on Amendment of Decree of Minister of Industry and Trade Number 756 / MPP / Kep / 12/2003 on Import of Non-New Capital Goods. No more used goods may enter from all border areas of Indonesia, including Sabang.

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