Jumeirah, Dubai

in #photography8 years ago

After Irish village last night; easy morning again.

I spent my morning on top of the building where we stay for our holidays. By the pool, of course, with no beer. Just coffee and two aspirins. Sun glasses for my red eyes.

Trying to figure out what happened with those moose last night. No antlers it's an easy one. They could just fell off. It's probably that time of the year. But the humps? That's a tough one.

Never mind. We'll go to explore the city in the afternoon.



The name itself didn't mean anything to me. An ordinary Arabic word.

But after I saw this


and this


I changed my mind. It looks like this is going to be something special. They explain to me that this is some kind of high-end resort with hotels, rental houses, restaurants and shopping area.



I have nothing smart to say here. Just enjoy.








It's cold, calm and quiet inside. Like in some church or cathedral. People are moving slowly. They can feel that you don't belong here.

How dare you? You poor wannabe blogger Joe.

You can smell the coffee, tea, and special oriental incense.
And Money; with a capital letter.

Let's go out again. We need some fresh air anyway.








It was late afternoon already. Five o'clock.
Tea,.......... I mean, beer time.
We finally find a restaurant where we can order just drinks without a meal. Nice !


This was the place.



What can I say?

Fairytale. Seriously, I mean it.

And then the waiter came:

10 euro for one beer. 0.3 l


And the Magic is gone!

Look what we saw on the way home:


It was hot in our car, but the hair on my arms went up.

I can't find an English phrase for this in the dictionary, but you'll know what I meant.



Jumeirah means beautiful :) so suits the view you saw, right?

I'm lucky to have friends who suggested that.

Is 'Goosebumps' the word you were looking for, @oldtimer?

Yes. Thanks.

Typical Canadian way. Chicken is just not big enough.

Thanks for sharing. are you from Dubai?

Thanks for the continuation of the tour

Such an amazing city the mix of new and old so vivid from your posts

as for the Moose and the humps, I may have an explanation, I didnt see any water near them and it is so hot and humid there the Moose could e dehydrated and sometimes that can lead to swelling up, also it could explain the antlers falling off

Nice, Sherlock.

Jumeria is Arabic word means beautiful really jumeriah is beautifull place I think you will explore beach in your upcoming post,Dubai is really expensive place everything you want to buy talk with fire.I like your words where you said "How dare you? You poor wannabe blogger Joe" Thank you for share your Jumeriah trip with us.


Enjoying, PROPS!

Nice place but for a Slovene 10$ for a beer is way too much :) costed you nearly one full upvote.

At that time there was no steemit yet. Now I'm good. Never think about the value of my vote that way. Funny!

intrested duabi is a awesome and great city in UAE they make it more advance only in some years and worlds best buildings and also many busnisman invest there to a interenatinal port free custom and they improve more and more it day by day and this jameireah is great also ur all photography is brilliant ur photography make and show it more great

The canals at the Jumeirah look a lot like Venice but the prices look like Mars! Still I like the old world styling nice contrast to all the glass towers around town. That last photo shows the world's tallest structure, doesn't it ? That looks like sci fi. It could be Mars too.

I never wanted to go to Dubai before, but after reading this post you might have changed my mind. I use the word might, because 10 Euro 🍺 beer, the plane ticket won't be the biggest worry anymore. However, if I get to see a Desert Moose when I go there it might still be worth it ! Jokes aside it really looks stunning !

I'm up for it😁The place is stunning ,we must go there at least once and drink that 10 euro beer 😋

After I'm done with this set, you'll book the flight.

I have no doubt you are right :)