Beautiful Hibiscus Flowers

in #photography3 months ago

Hello Family!!!!!

How are you all? I hope you guys are all well. Iam alsi good.Welcome to my another new blog! Today I am so excited and also going to share with you guys "Wonderful Hibiscus Flowers". I capture this beautiful photo with my phone camera and spending good times. Here is the attached below my phone photography :




There is no one in the world who does not like Hibiscus flowers, some letters are more or less loved by everyone. I like roses very much so I have planted many roses in my garden. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis – It is a major species of Hibiscus that is commonly known as Chinese hibiscus, china rose, shoeblack plant or rose mallow. It is an ornamental plant. Hibiscus syriacus – It is so named because it was first collected in the gardens of Syria.

Then I could stand and enjoy these beautiful scenes. The photographs you can see yesterday I went to my garden and this beautiful rose flower caught my eye. Then immediately I go to the flower and the flower is beautiful.. We celebrated that day in that hotel. Meanwhile, I took some photography to share with you. Hope you like and understand.

DeviceRedmi note 11 pro
Photo Editorlightroom or no Edit

images (45).jpeg

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