Spectacular Skies...

in #photography7 years ago

Yesterday, I had to pick up my girl from a friend of hers. While driving, I suddenly was aware what an amazing platform I just crossed. This is probably one of the flatest places near my home. Normally there are small hills everywhere, but here (near a small airport) there was almost no elevation to be seen...

I whipped out my phone and made some pics of the region,
hoping you'll enjoy the view as much as I did:





All pics unedited and shot with an iPhone SE




Tolle Aufnahmen. Ich hatte am Sonntag meine Kamera beim Spaziergang dabei und werde sicherlich auch noch ein bisschen was darüber posten..

Bin gespannt! ;-)

let this sky be an everyday sky phenomena in the EU please :D

nothing can beat natures beauty!
nicely captured

der himmel, immer wieder, ist einfach faszinierend.
vor ein paar tagen z.b. sah ich diese treppenwolken. lg

Blue sky and flat area. When hilly peoples come to flaty areas it makes them surprised. Enjoy your life with your happy family. :)

I saw your #flanconia tag and googled it a bit just to discover this amazing medieval town: Rothenburg. It looks lovely. Is this close to you? Maybe you could show us around a bit!

About the photos. I love cloud photos. Something so simple but so spectacular from the right view.

Rothenburg is amazing, and it is pretty close, about 50 km. I plan to go there for some pictures for more than a year now.

Watching those wiki photos got me thinking ... I've been to many European countries before (Italy, France, Poland, Austria, Czech rep., etc) but i have never been to Germany - lol !! And it's less than 2 hours ride from Slovenia? So I'll definitely pay it a visit - hopefully this year and I would love to see small towns like this one.

Ohh i don't count Munich Airport as being actually in Germany :P

If you take a close look on how clouds form, you will find out they form a shape of something . It also looks like visible collection particles of water suspended in the air. Pictures well taken.

Ah! That can sounds stupid but I'm so fascinated by clouds. I take 10 pictures of the sky each day lol

It means you are more interested in sky then earth:) . Natural beauty is unlimited.

I like both of them! They complete each other

You are right they complete each other. Without sky earth is not complete as well as we all.

Really? Why is that???

I don't know. I just like clouds :)

Ja, es war wirklich atemberaubend gestern.
Werde diese Woche auch noch was dazu zum Besten geben...

Really awesome photography and perfect shoot.
This photo is greet


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