[OSC] - Texas Nature Photos - July 19 2016

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

I took some of my Steem profit and bought my first DSLR camera. Nothing fancy, it's a used older model Canon 1000D. @pfunk has been giving me some tips lately and today I think I finally managed to take some pictures that are upload worthy. There's nothing special, just some pics of stuff in my backyard. I'm still waiting on my telephoto lens, so I snapped some closeup shots today. I also discovered manual focus! lol :)

Click to enlarge

Hangin' by a thread

Hangin' by a thread 2

Some red bush. I have no clue what you call these things.

One of them thinga majigs that look cool when they bloom.

Closeup of them thinga majigs that look cool when they bloom.

Spider web, spider web, it's in muh tree and the spiders hid.

Bonus m00n shot. Adjusted in PhotoShop. Best I can get, so far, with my 250mm lens.

Moon crop


Don't often look into these photography posts much and wasn't expecting much but they are some damn nice photos.

Gotta love those thinga majigs, you a botanist?

Why yes I am, how'd you know? :b

Thanks man! I appreciate the feedback and am glad you like them.

Could just tell :p using such descriptive terms and all.

Great photos. I've found that smartphone cameras are getting close to the quality of DSLRs, as well as the old quote "the best camera is the one you have with you." But, it's still an art and skill to learn how to use a camera to capture the story. Best of luck with your photography adventures! I often use https://500px.com for inspiration.

Great work Tuck and congrats on the new camera. The creamy bokeh you can get from a DSLR is so lovely compared to smaller sensors like compact cameras.
I'm big into photography so I'm looking forward to seeing more pics, and hopefully over time getting a little photo community thing going on here, where we can critique each other, share tips etc. Looking forward to seeing more of your pics. Hit me up if you've any questions on kit/technique etc

Thanks mate! I need all the help I can get. We should create a channel in slack for n00bs like me to seek advice! ;)

Nice scene setup :D

Thanks weenis!

OMG the leaf in the air is magnificent! It always amazes me how people keep finding ways to make a camera capture something unexpected, in a world where you get bombarded with images 24/7.
Great work mate.

Thank you kind sir! :)

Nice shots. Especially where the leaf falling.
Canon 1000D is a good camera, I also have a canon.

Nice shots BTW!

I like most last photo "Spider Web in muh tree".
just amazing :D

welcome to the photoclub!

Looking great Tuck. I've got one too now and learning how to use myself. Not the easiest to get a hang of, but not bad once learned.

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