Kristen Schaal Pizzagate show October 2013

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Note: Viacom just banned this video on Youtube but I found another source:

If they take that down search for "Sexy Halloween Costumes". October 22, 2013 - 10/22/2013
Kristen Schaal unveils her line of sexy Halloween costumes for both men and women. "

  • We all know about Stewart's pizza fetish but this episode of The Daily Show in 2013 was sociopathic.

After Stewart complains that the vagina costume is degrading to women the female guest says:

"Oh, I know what you're INTO Jon. Calm down..." and produces pizza slices that she places onto the huge vagina.

She then says: "Does the cheese match the dress? Ooh, she'll never tell..." and places a hand to her lips (in a freemasonic symbol of silence).

Stewart smirks.

Is this another case of an arrogant pedo displaying his fetish for the world to see, 2 years before before it became dangerous to do so?

I've always wondered why he retired early and groomed Trevor Noah into taking his place. Did someone give him his marching orders and if so, WHY?

  • The lifelong pedo buddy, Anthony Weiner.

Not many people know that Jon Stewart and Anthony Weiner shared a home after college. Or that they have been friends for over 20 years...

They're such good friends that Stewart tried to give him savvy media advice after Weiner's pedo texting was outed.

  • Rahm Emmanuel, mayor of Chicago & dead fish pizza.

Rahm Emmanuel and Stewart traded dead fish pizza jibes after Jon complained about Chicago pizza on the Daily Show. Emmanuel tweeted a photo of deep dish pizza with the note:

Deep Dish With Dead Fish
Love Rahm

Now that we have the code, let's crack what they were really saying:
Deep dish - secret/significant chat
Dead - dead
Fish - symbol of Christianity
Pizza - pedo sex

Obama's ex right hand man, Rahm Emmanuel is now Mayor of Chicago. Is he the source of Obama's $65,000 hot dogs?


Another source for the banned youtube video:


Crazy, good work. I may cover this article in a video.


Thanks Titus and happy new year!

What a disappointment. I knew Jon when his last name was Liebowitz. We worked at a Mexican restaurant on McDougal St. Panchitos. We also worked at the Comedy Cellar, him with comedy, I served cocktails. It breaks my heart, I lost touch when I left NYC. It's so hard to fathom.

Thanks for sharing that. Some of these people may have taken drugs and woken up next to a kid in bed... it's a strategy the blackmailers use. But that doesn't explain why Stewart is so enthusiastic about it.

He never did drugs, used to call me a pothead. He grew up in NJ and played soccer. He wa my best friend my last years in NYC, lived on spring, I was on Prince around the corner. No, I dont think he was tapped by the way he's talking about it he sounds amused like he's in on the joke.

Good to know! Thanks again for your contributions!

Excellent article... I used to be a big fan of Stewart and Colbert but this past year killed it for both.

Thanks JP. Always thought Stewart was a decent human till I found this stuff. The 1st red flag was him bowing out of TDS prematurely. Following orders.

Good article...upvoted and followed! Check my Pizzagate article today there's a really good link on it to a new book by James Alefantis & Podesta.

Thanks Rich, I'll check it out.

CC requires some bullshit plugin to play the video which I won't be installing anytime soon. PLEASE re-upload any sensitive videos to Vid.Me next time. (sigh)

2:30 on the cc video. "I gotta tell you though. In my mind to be perfectly honest I don't know that pizza needs cleavage to make it sexy. You know what I mean?" Spoken by Jon Stewart

I know. Meaning he isn't into adult vag. I almost featured that quote ;-) then chose the one where she makes a point of him being into pizza.

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