Ruining Hollywood (Part 1)

in #pizzagate7 years ago (edited)

Warning, reading this article may ruin some of your favourite music.

TV, music and cinema are the most powerful tools for brainwashing there is. No other format leaves as much room for subtle suggestions and subliminal manipulation. Ideas can be promoted with stealth while others can be ridiculed all under the guise of harmless entertainment.. It functions as a way to establish norms and framing the cultural narrative in the way that suits their agenda.

Since this is obvious to anyone it should not come as a surprise that Hollywood has been a primary vehicle for propaganda. This area has been a primary target for control and it has been done the same way they have controlled politics. With violence, intimidation through powerful wealthy executives with an army of lawyers, and the ability to blackmail or blacklist those who don't conform to the agenda.

Harvey Weinstein was a member of this cult. Another way to think of it is to think of it as an army, picture guys like him in uniform. They are a fighting a war and the public is the enemy. Weinstein was recruited in it since he is a creep with no moral issues with what they were doing. This also made him an easy target for blackmailing should it become necessary. He knew he was protected which is why he acted so "brazen" throughout his career. This is also why he watched many movies with his good buddy and neighbor, Bill Clinton.

We still hear these ridiculous questions like "Did they know?" being asked about actors who have existed and flourished within this sick industry for years. Of course they did. The question is "Do we know?" Do we know how bad it is? We don't, yet, at least the general public does not.

This is quite an extensive article but there is a lot to cover but the connections are quite incredible. Researching this I was continully amazed how many times the same names come up in seemingly unrelated subjects. I hope you get comfortable and read the whole thing and check out some of the links. Like most research on these topics there will be some disturbing and NSFW elements to it.

So let's begin with our first, main subject:

John Phillips

Do you recognize this man? I'm sure you at least recognize some of the songs he wrote.

"The son of a career military family, John Edmund Andrew Phillips was born on August 30th, 1935 at the military hospital of the Marine base on Parris Island, South Carolina. Phillips took an interest in music early in childhood, developing several bands before graduating high school which reflected his diverse influences which ranged from traditional folk and Southern "Lowland" music to the roots of rock and roll. Phillips was accepted to the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, but left the prestigious institution before graduation, possibly to marry. Phillips was married (the name of his first wife is suppressed frequently from public records) when he headed north to New York around 1957 as part of the "Beatnik" and folk music movement."

He founded "The Journeymen" with Scott Mckenzie, who would later write the anthem "San Fransisco (Be sure to wear flowers in your hair). In 1959 he had a daughter who he named after him and their friendship remained strong despite ending the Journeymen. Instead John founded "The Mamas and Papas" who signed with Lou Adler and Dunhill Records in 1965.

"As "The Journeymen" and Phillips's first marriage fell apart, the singer-songwriter met 16-year-old Michelle Gilliam, a Long Beach, California native in Manhattan to pursue a modeling career. Phillips married Ms. Gilliam after finalizing his divorce, and together the Phillipses met the other members of what would become John Phillips's most successful bands."

They achieved instant success with "California Dreamin" and were on the forefront of the "Summer of Love". John Phillips, Lou Adler (ed. and Terry Melcher) organized the legendary "Monterey Pop festival"

Not a bad line-up at all.

This is John's daughter, Mackenzie Phillips. John named her after his friend, Scott Mackenzie (who John wrote San Francisco be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair" for)

The screenshot is taken from American Graffiti, the first film George Lucas directed. In the movie she plays a 13 year old girl who her older sister ludicrously sends over to an older driver who is flirting with them at a stoplight. She spends the movie driving around with this older guy, having some questionable flirty conversations throughout the film:

Seems to be an unusually common theme in some Hollywood films, teenagers and even children flirting with and fantasizing about older men. It's insane how many of their stories seem to involve some borderline romantic story about characters of completely inappropriate ages. One such recent film is "Lamb" Another older one is "Welcome to the dollhouse" which I will get to later.

But back to John:

The guy just oozes sleeze... I mean he just looks obnoxious, can you see it?

According to Mackenzie Phillips, she woke up after a drug filled party with John, her father, raping her. When a few weeks later she confronted him with it, telling him "we need to talk about that night you raped me" he replied: "Rape? You mean the night we made love?". This happened repeatedly until he had manipulated her into accepting it and eventually referring to it as a "consensual relationship"

Here we see an example of the media's spin on the abuse. Larry King attacks her, interrogates her and focuses on HER drug abuse, why should people believe HER? Why now?

The mainstream media had her on the ropes:

"Some might say you are trying to sell a book"

Michelle Phillips, "Mama Michelle" who married John at 16 and landed a spot as the pretty back up singer in "The Mamas and Papas" brutally attacked her stepdaughter claiming she was crazy and had "a needle up her arm for 35 years"

Now, who or what may be responsible for this poor girls drug addiction?

Let's see what Michelle had to say about her upbringing:

Did she literally just say that? I had to listen a few times to be sure but yes. She literally said that they had so many drugs around the house they thought it would be "hypocritical" of them to forbid their kids to do them....

What planet do these people live on?

They thought it would be "hypocritical" to prevent their KIDS from doing drugs! And now this modestly talented groupie model is attacking her step-daughters credibility defending John?

This gets me a bit mad...

It is not hypocritical to prevent KIDS from doing drugs, it is hypocritical to give them drugs and then blame them for becoming drug addicts!

This makes me mad too. Why does Oprah phrase the question like that? She says "So what happened the next morning, after you realized you had HAD SEX with your father?" That is not HAVING SEX, it is RAPE.

Most of the media referred to this as an "incestuous relationship" and "sex with her father" while only a few challenged this outrageous take on the abuse she suffered:

More examples of the way the media handled the story:

Note Dr Drew coming to her defense. Interestingly his name came up in my reserch earlier, he was a big part of the cocaine fuelled parties at KROQ radio station where apparently many underage girls attended:

"Another witness, who asked not to be identified, claimed she was just a teenager when she took the drug alongside Dr Drew. The woman said: 'Yes 30 years ago I did cocaine with Dr Drew at KROQ when I was just 14. 'I remember we were in the studio hanging out and someone brought some cocaine out, I don't remember who it belonged to. 'The coke was chopped in to lines on an album cover on top of the turntables and we all had a line, at least one or two. 'Everybody was comfortable with it (cocaine), it was a no brainer.'

Rodney Bingenheimer of KROQ is the subject of the documentary "Mayor of the Sunset Strip" and was a sort of a pimp, or at least a link between underage groupies (also referred to as "baby groupies") and bands that sought to take advantage of them.

Here is a documentary (which features an interview with Mackenzie Phillips) I made about him and (alleged but almost certainly) rapist Kim Fowley and his abuse of the all girl teenage rock band "The Runaways" that should leave a bad taste in your mouth:

Mackenzie Phillips (13) along with Sable Starr (14) partying at Rodney's "Disco"

(Notice the spirals in the English Disco sign, possible pedo-symbolism)

Iggy Pop sings about "having sex" with Sable Starr when she was 13, and is speculated to have also "had sex" with her sister when she was 11.

"I slept wlth Sable when she was 13
Her parents were too rich to do anything
She rocked her way around L.A
'Til a New York doll carried her away
Look away Look away"

Depp and Iggy Pop became friends and share this skull ring as a symbol of their friendship (as one does) along with director Jim Jermusch and tattoo artist Jonathan Shaw.

There we see Sable at the Disco hanging out with Led Zeppelin and Lori Maddox, 13 at the time of this picture.

Lori was kidnapped at 13 by Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin, who was a satanist obsessed with Aleister Crowley:

"I feel Aleister Crowley is a misunderstood genius of the 20th century. Because his whole thing was liberation of the person, of the entity, and that restrictions would foul you up, lead to frustration which leads to violence, crime, mental breakdown, depending on what sort of makeup you have underneath. The further this age we're in now gets into technology and alienation, a lot of the points he's made seem to manifest themselves all down the line.

  • Jimmy Page

Alesteir Crowley avocated and admitted to having participated in ritual human sacrifice.

So at this early point in her life Mackenzie she is not exactly in healthy company

Look at her hands. She is 13 years old.

Yet Jimmy Page was openly "courting" her....

John Bonham too:

Rodney Bingenheimer ooozing sleeze...

Rodney more recently with his current girlfriend:

(Kansas Bowling directed a video for the band "Death Valley Girls" of Comet Ping Pong fame, "Death Valley" being a reference to the hideout of the Manson family and the video is extremely satanic and disturbing:


Where were the parents during all of this? Where was the police? Well, we know the answer to the first question, the parents were supplying the drugs:

"Those most affected by Phillips' chaotic lifestyle were his children. Mackenzie and Jeffrey (both children from Phillips' first marriage to Susan Adams, a descendant of U.S. President John Adams) developed drug addictions of their own, aged 13 and 14 respectively, while living with their father at his rented Bel Air mansion in the early 70s. Cocaine was so plentiful that it was often laid out in bowls around the house like pot pourri."

There is bad parenting and then there is this. What is worse, John wrote a song about her teenage daughter called "She's just 14"

"She’s just 14 – little movie star queen
There isn’t much she hasn’t seen
She “did it” in a limousine car
She datd pop stars
Hey Rainbow Hair, say that’s no where
But she always says
I’m just a sexy trash can
But she’s just a little girl, who thinks like a man
And sometimes her Daddy’s spoiled her
Sometimes he treated her rough
Sometimes she’s gentle
Sometimes she’s tough
But she is always too nice to the driver
She says James have you had your supper
And she’s always too high on arrival
And she runs on her high platform heels
And she falls flat on her face and she knows how life feels
She got the moves, yeah she got looks
She got the style, she’s read all the books
And nobody got her on her hooks
She’s on a real smooth trip, yes a real smooth trip"

(I'm just a sexy trash can!?)

Apparently Denny Doherty had known what a creepy rapist John Phillips was and told his daughter about it, who corroborated Mackenzie's story:

She wrote, "I just watched the show with Mackenzie Phillips (and) tears are running down my face. Everything she said is true. My dad told me the awful truth. He was horrified at what John had done and knew all of it."

, "I'm very grateful to Jessica. I never knew she knew... I don't know how Denny Doherty knew about the relationship."

Mackenzie went on to star in the long running, immensely popular American sitcom "One Day at a Time"

Her drug addiction would later prevent her from being able to work on the show and she was fired when she was 20, a year after the "relationship" with her father began...

John then got arrested for drug trafficking in 1980:

"John Phillips, meanwhile, had become deeply addicted to heroin. Toward the end of 1980, he was arrested in New York for bartering illegal drugs. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a one-month prison term, which he served last spring, and five years’ probation. But after his arrest, he voluntarily went into Fair Oaks psychiatric hospital in Summit, New Jersey, to be detoxified. "

This article raises some questions about the way society, Hollywood and the media have chosen to handle two cases of rape/incest, Roman Polanski and John Phillips:

Listen to the victim of Roman Polanski explaining the hell she was put through after reporting the incident:

Imagine the people accusing her of having "asked for it". She was 13! For those who don't know the details, Polanski was asked to do a photoshoot for a French "Men magazine" and the photographs in question were sexually suggestive. In the first session he asked her to take her top off which she did. The second session was when he drugged and raped her in Jack Nicholsons bed. Jack's name has come up a lot during my research.

Listen to her account, the one which Whoopi Goldberg described as "not rape-rape"

Whoopi wasn't featured in this interview in "The View". It is just appalling how much victim shaming she has had to endure. Her mother was also the target of relentless media attacks. You can tell that much like Mackenzie she has been bullied into a more soft stance on what has happened.

So how do Roman Polanski and John Phillips connect? Other than the fact that they both represent figures who have had heinous accusations against them but have been shielded by their art and people's admiration of it?

They used to be friends: John Phillips, Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson and Roman Polanski. Now this is where it starts to read like a TV episode:

Michelle Phillips, while in a relationship with John, had an affair with Roman Polanski. Before Charles Manson was arrested Roman was actually convinced that John was behind the murder of his wife, Sharon Tate, and the other victims that were there that night.

Michelle Phillips & Roman Polanski

Polanski had a tryst with Phillips in London while his wife Sharon Tate was making a movie in Rome. Then came 1969's Tate-Labianca murders. Polanski, in shock, hatched a theory: Michelle's husband John, leader of the Mamas and the Papas, had slaughtered Sharon and friends in a jealous rage over the director's fling with Mama Michelle. Roman examined Papa John's car for bloodstains and, according to the singer, even confronted him with a knife ("Did you kill Sharon? Did you?") before the crime was linked to Charles Manson."

John Phillips meanwhile had an affair with Mia Farrow, the star of "Rosemary's baby" who at the time was married to Frank Sinatra and would later marry (alleged but almost certainly) pedophile Woody Allen

It is interesting to note in from this article that John had an affair with Mia Farrow, who was at the time married to Frank Sinatra, and would later marry (alleged but almost certainly) pedophile Woody Allen. So while John was cheating on Michelle she was having an affair with admitted and convicted child rapist Roman Polanski.

(This article doesn't reflect to positively on Mick Jaggers character who told Mackenzie "I've been waiting for this day since you were 10 years old" when she was 18 and then locked the door and had sex with her. It actually makes him slightly better than many of the others, since at least he waited until she was 18, it was consensual and not his daughter)

More drama:

"Even as they topped the charts, Phillips was already cheating on Michelle, and soon began a clandestine affair with actress Mia Farrow, who at the time was married to Frank Sinatra.

When a furious Sinatra, who famously had links to Sam Giancana, the Chicago Mafia boss, discovered that Phillips had been sleeping with Farrow in their marital bed while he was away on tour, he sent a bunch of heavies to warn him off.
Undaunted, Phillips, who was already insisting on being addressed by his stage name, Papa John, went out and bought a small armoury of weapons to protect himself from Sinatra's Mob cronies.

John Phillips claims he was invited to the party where the Manson murders occurred, but had skipped it because he was too high:

"But his drug-taking would also inadvertently save his life. In August 1969, he was so stoned that he failed to turn up to a party in Cielo Drive, Hollywood. That night, the inhabitants of the house, including film director Roman Polanski's pregnant wife Sharon Tate, were murdered by disciples of the psychotic Charles Manson."

More details:

(from Telegraph article linked to above)

"The phenomenal wealth and fame John Phillips acquired as the group's chief songwriter – he was the author of their biggest hits, California Dreamin' and Monday Monday – gave him access to a fast-living Hollywood crowd that numbered notorious party hounds such as Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty.

He was also friendly with Roman Polanski and his wife Sharon Tate and claimed in his autobiography to have narrowly escaped death, having been invited to the house that Polanski and Tate were renting in the Hollywood Hills on the same August 1969 night that the Manson family slaughtered its inhabitants.

Shortly after the Manson murders, a grief-stricken Roman Polanski became convinced that Phillips had masterminded the murder of his wife and her friends in retribution for Polanski's own brief affair with Michelle Phillips and, at one point, the director grabbed a kitchen knife and held it to the singer's throat in an attempt to force a confession out of him. Both Phillips and Mama Cass, like much of the LA music scene at the time, had peripheral connections to the Manson family and were later called to testify for the prosecution at the 1970 trial of Manson and his followers.")

What where the "peripheral connections" John Phillips and Mama Cass had with the Manson Cult?

Now that's a can of worms... I'm sure many of you who have done research into this area will have heard about the CIA/MK Ultra origin of the "Summer of Love" and many of the artists in Laurel Canyon having had military backgrounds. You may have heard that Jim Morrison's father (George Stephen Morrison) was the admiral of the US ship that was involved in the alleged "Gulf of Tonkin" incident that started the Vietnam war.

While I can not get into all of that in detail (you can find those in the article below) I want to focus on the aspects of it that relate to John Phillips:

“Papa” John Phillips, more so than probably any of the other illustrious residents of Laurel Canyon, will play a major role in spreading the emerging youth ‘counterculture’ across America. His contribution will be twofold: first, he will co-organize (along with Manson associate Terry Melcher) the famed Monterrey Pop Festival, which, through unprecedented media exposure, will give mainstream America its first real look at the music and fashions of the nascent ‘hippie’ movement. Second, Phillips will pen an insipid song known as “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair),” which will quickly rise to the top of the charts. Along with the Monterrey Pop Festival, the song will be instrumental in luring the disenfranchised (a preponderance of whom are underage runaways) to San Francisco to create the Haight-Asbury phenomenon and the famed 1967 “Summer of Love.”

Before arriving in Laurel Canyon and opening the doors of his home to the soon-to-be famous, the already famous, and the infamous (such as the aforementioned Charlie Manson, whose ‘Family’ also spent time at the Log Cabin and at the Laurel Canyon home of “Mama” Cass Elliot, which, in case you didn’t know, sat right across the street from the Laurel Canyon home of Abigail Folger and Voytek Frykowski, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here), John Edmund Andrew Phillips was, shockingly enough, yet another child of the military/intelligence complex. The son of U.S. Marine Corp Captain Claude Andrew Phillips and a mother who claimed to have psychic and telekinetic powers, John attended a series of elite military prep schools in the Washington, D.C. area, culminating in an appointment to the prestigious U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis

After leaving Annapolis, John married Susie Adams, a direct descendant of ‘Founding Father’ John Adams. Susie’s father, James Adams, Jr., had been involved in what Susie described as “cloak-and-dagger stuff with the Air Force in Vienna,” or what we like to call covert intelligence operations. Susie herself would later find employment at the Pentagon, alongside John Phillip’s older sister, Rosie, who dutifully reported to work at the complex for nearly thirty years. John’s mother, ‘Dene’ Phillips, also worked for most of her life for the federal government in some unspecified capacity. And John’s older brother, Tommy, was a battle-scarred former U.S. Marine who found work as a cop on the Alexandria police force, albeit one with a disciplinary record for exhibiting a violent streak when dealing with people of color.

John Phillips, of course – though surrounded throughout his life by military/intelligence personnel – did not involve himself in such matters. Or so we are to believe. Before succeeding in his musical career, however, John did seem to find himself, quite innocently of course, in some rather unusual places. One such place was Havana, Cuba, where Phillips arrived at the very height of the Cuban Revolution. For the record, Phillips has claimed that he went to Havana as nothing more than a concerned private citizen, with the intention of – you’re going to love this one – “fighting for Castro.” Because, as I mentioned earlier, a lot of folks in those days traveled abroad to thwart CIA operations before taking up residence in Laurel Canyon and joining the ‘hippie’ generation. During the two weeks or so that the Cuban Missile Crisis played out, a few years after Castro took power, Phillips found himself cooling his heels in Jacksonville, Florida – alongside, coincidentally I’m sure, the Mayport Naval Station."

So... John was in Havana during Castro's revolution and then goes on to head the Monterey Pop Festival with Lou Adler and Terry Melcher. Melcher is the person who denied Manson of a record contract which made Manson mad and was the reason he targeted the house which was then occupied by Sharon Tate. Melcher was the son of Doris Day and a producer for "The Byrds" and "The Beach Boys"

Charles Manson had sent two of his female followers to "infiltrate" the scene by seducing some of the many famous musicians living in the area. Dennis Wilson of BB had picked them up as hitch-hikers. They then convinced him to let Manson come for a visit and they spent a year living in his mansion. Wilson loved Mansons hippy rambling and music, as well as his girls who would sleep with anyone Manson commanded. On June 22 1968 at the home of John Phillips, Terry Melcher had a meeting set up with Charles Manson by Dennis Wilson. Manson claims he promised him a record deal but would later back out of it.

This article goes deeper into the military connections with Laurel Canyon:

"Hundreds of thousands of young men from all across the country were swept up and fed into the war machine, but not one of the musical icons of the Woodstock generation was among them. How could that be? Should we just consider that to be another one of those great serendipities? Was it mere luck that kept all the Laurel Canyon stars out of jail and out of the military during the turbulent decade that was the 1960s?

Not likely. The reality is that ‘The Establishment,’ as it was known in those days, had the power to prevent the musical icons of the 1960s from ever becoming the megastars that they became. The state, aka corporate America, could quite easily have prevented the entire countercultural movement from ever really getting off the ground – because then, as now, the state controlled the channels of communication.

....A real grass-roots cultural revolution would probably have involved a bunch of starving musicians barely scratching out a living playing tiny coffee shops in the hopes of maybe someday landing a record deal with some tiny, local independent label and then, just maybe, if they got really lucky, getting a little airplay on some obscure college radio stations. But that’s not how the ‘60s folk-rock ‘revolution’ played out. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
It would appear then that the two record labels that signed and launched Laurel Canyon’s first two folk-rock bands were not only major record labels, they also just happened to be corporate entities that had deep ties to the nation’s capitol and power center.

....It was the major record labels, not upstart independents, that signed Laurel Canyon’s newly-formed bands. It was the major labels that provided them with instruments and amplifiers. It was the major labels that provided them with studio time and session musicians. It was the major labels that recorded, mixed and arranged their albums. It was the major labels that released and then heavily promoted those albums. And so as not to be left out, the corporate titans of all three branches of the mainstream media – print, radio and television – did their part to help out the titans of the record industry."

This is one of the things that should be obvious but the reality of it takes a while to settle. The idea that the "counter-culture" hippy "protest" movement was in effect orchestrated by factions of the military for nefarious purposes, responsible for all the songs we've come to love and associate with a peaceful revolution and "Love" is hard to swallow.

"As important as the Freaks were to building an audience for the new Laurel Canyon bands, there was another group that played a key role as well: Hollywood’s so-called “Young Turks.” Like the Freaks, the Turks became an immediate and constant presence on the newly emerging Sunset Strip scene. And as with the Freaks, their presence on the Strip was heavily promoted by the media. Locals and tourists alike knew where to go to gawk at the Freaks and, as an added bonus, quite possibly rub shoulders with the likes of Peter Fonda, Jack Nicholson, Bruce Dern, Dennis Hopper and Warren Beatty, along with their female counterparts like Jane Fonda, Nancy Sinatra and Sharon Tate.

Many of these young and glamorous Hollywood stars forged very close bonds with the Laurel Canyon musicians. Some of them, including Peter Fonda, found homes in the canyon so that they could live, work and party among the rock stars (and, in their free time, pass around John Phillips’ wife to just about every swinging dick in the canyon, including Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, Warren Beatty, Roman Polanski, and Gene Clark of The Byrds). Some of them never left; Jack Nicholson to this day lives in a spacious estate just off the portion of Mulholland Drive that lies between Laurel Canyon and Coldwater Canyon. Not far west of Nicholson’s property (which now includes the neighboring estate formerly owned by Marlon Brando) sits the longtime home of Warren Beatty."

So again, all the same names are coming up.

It also reminds me of a different story I saw recently. In connection with what did the names "Jack Nicholson" and "Warren Beatty" come up?

They had secret underground tunnels linking their mansions to the Playboy mansion!

If you have been following the Q anon posts you will know that Hugh Hefner was a major CIA asset who was involved with human trafficking and who had the role of securing material to blackmail celebrities.

The puzzles are slowly but surely coming together now.

This film featured a lot of the Laurel Canyon crew, and an art director, Jeremy Kay, who was involved with a satanic cult (OTO) that was convicted of brutally murdering a child two weeks after the film was released. More details on it are in the post I linked to above.

Also from that article, about actor Dennis Hopper: "For those who may be unfamiliar with Hopper’s body of work, he is the guy who was once found wandering naked and bewildered in a Mexican forest. And the guy who, after divorcing Hayward in 1969, married Michelle Phillips on Halloween day, 1970, only to have her file for divorce just eight days later claiming that Hopper had kept her handcuffed and imprisoned for a week while making “unnatural sexual demands.”"

I mean just seriously what is wrong with these people?

So, there is so much material available on these connections that I must implore you to do more research independently ( - This article is also a good resource on the topic.

Part 2:


Great article. Isn't it heartbreaking to find out that all cool stuff you liked as an adolescent was mostly a deception to corrupt your mind for nefarious reasons? Makes one feel pretty daft.
And once you find out who really is behind this, it could make you feel also a bit angry...

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