The simple way to stop the h*te in the video game industry

in #playstation8 years ago


H*te between different sides of the video game industry is second only to the classic unsolvable disagreements such as religion, politics, etc. For example if you go to a Playstation forum and mention anything pro Xbox, you will be met with nothing but terrible, hurtful, extreme comments against what ever it is you just said. Same goes for going to an Xbox forum and mentioning pro Playstation, or throwing Nintendo or PC into the mix. You will never hear the end of it, people will say things they would never normally say to you in person, it is not a good experience and you can not win.

What we all have to realize is that there is no need for this. Video games are optional, and even if you do play, it doesn't matter if your favorite system is better than the competing system in a certain regard. What is fun for you, may not be fun for who ever you're talking to. They may truly get more value out of playing the console they like more. Meaning there is no right answer, no winner, yes there is statistics, sales, numbers, etc. but that doesn't matter. The point is to play for pleasure, and which ever one you like best is right for you. It doesn't mean it's best for somebody else. So what if it's cheaper and more powerful. Maybe their favorite game is on the other one. It doesn't mean they are wrong for liking it. It's no different then how we react to different flavors of food. Something might taste amazing for one person, and legitimately disgusting to another. Yes there obviously will be some disagreement in that food related example, but you don't see the equivalent of the "console wars" happening because of it. People take their favorite video game system personally as if it is their own personal invention. It is not, if you like one more then the other ones, great that's the best one for you. Other people are not wrong for supporting the other ones for their own personal reasons. To express your dislike/h*te towards something is not only needlessly hurtful to the other person, but it's stressful for you. Why not just enjoy what you enjoy, and let the other person enjoy what they do. Somebody who loves Nintendo isn't going to have more fun if you talk-h*te them into selling it and buying another console cause it's "better". They will miss their Nintendo. Same goes for any possible combination of doing that.

Please just be happy. No need to start negativity, especially towards something as ridiculous as defending a video game console as if it was your god(not that there should be religious fighting either).

Obviously a h*te problem as big as this isn't going to be stopped with this one post. But it doesn't mean we can't do our part.

Thank you


I remember when my kids were growing up we always had all the consoles. There wasn't any picking sides as much then. They all had there good points.(They still do.) Once they started getting more expensive that's when it changed. Now if I only had that Sega Genesis still. Now I really want to play Zombies ate my neighbors! :)

The Internet changed everything. Before it was nothing, now it's a virtual war.

You could probably find a Sega and that game on Ebay...

Hmm, I noticed this randomly disappear from the "New" posts. ~2 minutes after I posted it. I guess that kind of thing does happen here.

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