MetalBacked.Money - All Payments Are Made In a Peer-to-peer network And Now DuDe Coin Listed on

in #pmxx3 years ago


Blockchain technology is one of the hottest topics in the financial and business worlds today. It’s been called “one of the most fundamental innovations in finance in 500 years,” and it’s easy to see why: With a few keystrokes, blockchain technology can send money from one corner of the world to the other—and all the while, it leaves a detailed digital trail that can’t be altered. This means that it’s secure and efficient, which makes it a perfect fit for businesses all over.

If you’re looking for a way to make your organization more secure or more efficient—or if you just want to stay on top of the latest developments in business and finance—be sure to keep an eye on blockchain technology. With a little bit of research and an open mind, you could be using this new system yourself in no time.

PMXX is a digital currency that is decentralized and controlled by regular people, not central banks or governments. It is built on top of the Polygon blockchain, enabling peer-to-peer transactions. All payments transact peer-to-peer. No third party is required to act as an intermediary.

PMXX is your ATM and Payment Settlement System. Every transaction made is processed, confirmed, and secured by the Polygon network. Furthermore, only 10 Million PMXX will be minted. This finite supply ensures it cannot be inflated, unlike fiat currency.

PMXX Based on Polygon Network


It’s no secret that the financial system, and especially the monetary system, is in dire need of an overhaul. There are many who believe that blockchain technology is the solution to all of our problems with money. The Polygon Network, a new digital currency network, is aiming to do just that.

The Polygon Network is called “People’s Money” because it’s built by regular people and controlled by regular people. Polygon offers a decentralized and democratic payment system that aims to benefit its users and not a third-party entity or central corporation. With blockchain technology, you can be your own bank. You can decide how to spend and receive money without having to rely on a third party. This is the primary concept behind Polygon: decentralization for the common person.

What is DuDe Coin ($DuDe)?

A coin of MBMX Metal-Backed Money that does not seek to make a profit and instead pushes vehemently for becoming the money of the people. DuDe is a cryptocurrency that focuses on giving something back to the community and making a difference. It is available in two different pairs: USDC/DuDe and ETH/DuDe.

Holders of tokens have the option of purchasing USDC/DuDe as an investment or ETH/DuDe in order to make a donation to Money Without Borders, a charitable organization that is supported by MBMX Metal-Backed Money.

Families and communities who are living in abject poverty, such as those in Ukraine, India, and Venezuela, will eventually get food and shelter via the efforts of Money Without Borders, which has the ultimate goal of empowering the underprivileged.

Listed DuDe Coin on

Recently, has listed a new project called DuDe Coin (DuDe). A non-profit coin under MetalBacked.Money, is happy to announce that as a project with large ambitions to revolutionise the crypto world, MetalBacked.Money has made big strides in the crypto world.

With its contribution to charitable works and shaping the financial future of others in a safe and transparent manner, MetalBacked.Money has definitely managed to capture the eyes (and hearts) of many. Here to attain yet another one of their many goals, the project has expanded its reach and launched its first television series.

In summary, PMXX People's Money simplifies everything! This project is straightforward. Digital PMXX People's Money. In a decentralized network, all activities are done and governed by regular individuals. People's Money Ecosystem uses the decentralized Polygon blockchain.

Peer-to-peer payments are made. No middleman is needed. MBMX is an ATM/payment system. Polygon confirms and protects every completed transaction. PMXX coins are limited to 10 million. This limited supply can't be exaggerated!

#moneywithoutborders #dude #polygon #pump #btc #pmxx

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