Interview with Psychedelic Philosopher Peter Sjöstedt-H (Author of Noumenautics) - IP 4.8 Power From The Abyss

in #podcast7 years ago (edited)

Philosophy has power. Whether looking from the nihilistic bottomless pit of Nietzsche or the lofty mountaintops of eastern mysticism, the essential nothingness of all things is a landmark realization that one inevitably passes on the psychedelic journey to Self-Realization. Peter Sjöstedt-H is a writer and philosopher who explores ideas of Panpsychism, German Idealism, and Psychedelic Phenomenology. Join us for an episode where we dig up the roots of what we consider good and evil, and discover the true power of choosing to express our values in a constructive instead of prescriptive way.

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Peter is a great guy and great book!

I thoroughly enjoyed his book and having a conversation with Peter. Psychedelics and philosophy are like pb & j, haha.

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