Salty Healing (original poem)
The waves will tell you
when to go,
how long,
where, and how.
When you listen you realize
their heartbeat is the same as yours,
the breath of the sea is also your own breath.
To a willing listener, the sounds of the ocean explain everything,
and nothing, at the same time.
In the sunshine or the starlight, the waves share peace or fear - you choose.
But sometimes,
despite your effort to choose Peace,
Fear just comes -
somehow surpassing its mellow counterpart,
beating her to the forefront of your emotional landscape.
When a wave of Fear hits you,
it pushes you down with great force.
Caught beneath the surface,
salty water leaks into your eyes and mouth,
and somehow your heart catches a glimpse of Peace.
All you can hear is one constant heartbeat pumping through this one body of water and bones.
After this beating,
you finally surface.
You see with new eyes,
a Peace-full mind;
your heart-wounds cleaned by these salty waves.
Brighter now,
you will shine again.
With a salty dose of courage
you take a deep breath
and head to meet the waves out beyond.
