in #poem7 years ago (edited)


(Dedicated to victims of rape)

That dark night, men slept like the dead
loud were the screams of my mother
came my cries-the birth of a girl-child
but coldly shut her eyes in death

Oh! my poor lonely father
who of loss became a drunkard
poverty stroke him like the thunder
and in it I grew to wander

On my erring journey
men stripped my clothes
ravished and ripped into shame
and coloured with filthy rags

I was cruelly robbed of my pride
and brutally my thighs torn apart
like a thief, stung with abashment
my nakedness blown to the world

My mother, father and pride gone
but I stagger to place my feet
in the home of solace
yet I'm still hunted by the ghost of the past

Then I tried to give my life
but here I am full of vibes
freedom has made me glad
cos I picked hope from unclad

Thnaks for checking on my blog
God bless