Three Steps

in #poetry3 years ago


I know the path I've been on is so hard
I also know the steps I'm taking are so complicated
And I also know that the life I've been through is so painful
But I didn't stop, I didn't complain
I keep walking, take all means
Even though sometimes I'm tired and want to give up

One step I passed
From the steep, the gravel, even the rock
I am tired...
Very tired...
But I still don't stop, because there is your shadow
I keep walking even among the remnants of my train

Step two ....
Sharp spikes ready to pierce my weak legs
Ferocious glass has been waiting along my path
Even the flames and coals almost roasted my soul and body

I'm not only tired and almost give up, even desperate
But the shadow always awakens me
Leads me to a hope that seems real but false

Step three ....
I looked at the road in front of me ...
So straight, smooth without stones, without gravel, even sand
With certainty and with one conviction I step my feet
With all the scratches and groans of wounds from the steps I have taken ...
The road that looks so smooth and straight, is not as easy as it seems
Even more difficult ...
The more complicated of the two paths

The three steps I walked through in the shadows and dreams of you
For you and you who have presented me in a cradle of love and caring affection
Although sometimes I oppose, rebel and disagree

And now, at the end of this road, my steps have stopped
I moan in pain
Aky struggled in regret
And I cried sliced ​​out of the way ....
Where is my devotee ....!?
Where is my god .....!?
Where's my reward .....?
I haven't had the chance to give it to you, my father and mother ....

Looking up in every light and dark I only at You, O Robbi
Bowing every mistake and my sins for shame on You, O Kholiq
All come from You and will return to You

I'm only asking for one, not the first, not the last
Accept their deeds that have returned to You
Bring them together, unite them, make them kings and queens in Your Paradise

Aku tahu jalan yang kulalui begitu sulit
Aku juga tahu langkah yang ku tempuh begitu rumit
Dan akupun tahu hidup yang kulalui begitu sakit
Namun aku tak berhenti,aku tak mengeluh
Aku tetap melangkah,menempuh segala cara
Walau kadang aku lelah dan ingin menyerah

Satu langkah ku lewati
Dari terjalnya,kerikil,bahkan batunya
Aku lelah...
Sangat lelah...
Namun aku masih tak berhenti,karena ada bayangmu
Aku tetap melangkah walau diantara sisa-sisa tatihku

Langkah dua....
Duri-duri tajam siap menusuk kaki-kaki lemahku
Beling-beling garang telah menanti di sepanjang jalanku
Bahkan kobaran api dan bara itu nyaris memanggang jiwa ragaku

Aku tak hanya lelah dan nyaris menyerah,bahkan putus asa
Namun bayang itu selalu membangkitkanku
Membawaku pada harapan yang nampak nyata namun semu

Langkah tiga....
Kupandangi jalan di depanku...
Begitu lurus,halus tanpa batu,tanpa kerikil,bahkan pasir pijakan
Dengan pasti dan satu keyakinan aku langkahkan kakiku
Dengan segala goresan-goresan dan rintihan-rintihan luka dari langkah yang telah kulalui...
Jalan yang nampak begitu halus dan lurus,ternyata tak semudah yang terlihat
Bahkan lebih sulit...
Jauh lebih rumit dari dua jalan itu

Tiga langkah aku lalui dalam bayang dan angan-angan tentangmu
Untuk engkau dan engkau yang telah menghadirkanku dalam buaian kasih dan cumbuan sayang
Walau kadang aku menentang,memberontak dan tak sejalan

Dan kini,di ujung jalan ini,langkahku terhenti
Aku merintih dalam perih
Aky meronta dalam sesal
Dan aku menangis teriris terkikis habis....
Mana baktiku....!?
Mana budiku.....!?
Mana balas jasaku.....?
Belum sempat ku beri padamu,Ayah dan bundaku....

Menengadah disetiap terang dan gelapku hanya pada-Mu ya Robbi
Menunduk disetiap khilaf dan dosaku karena malu pada-Mu ya Kholiq
Semua berasal dari Mu dan akan kembali pada Mu

Aku hanya meminta satu,bukan yang pertama,bukan pula yang terakhir
Terima amal mereka yang telah kembali pada-Mu
Pertemukan mereka,satukan mereka,jadikan mereka raja dan ratu di Firdaus-Mu


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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