Personal ResponsibilitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

I have spent many hours attempting to discover what my role is regarding the current state of our world. We all play a role regardless of whether we are willing to accept our responsibility or not. For most, I liken our effect on conditions of "the world" to the butterfly effect: a tiny input in a complex system results in a much greater effect elsewhere within that system. For example, if I choose to remain silent about a known injustice that is cleverly hidden from view, that injustice can go on unchallenged. If I take even a weak action to expose the injustice, another, stronger voice could step up to the plate alerting even more Souls to the injustice until the numbers of Souls' combined power is sufficient to bring about desired change. Of course I could say or do nothing, however that is choice also and every choice has its consequences. I (all) must decide to abdicate or accept, ignore or deny, proclaim or stifle, resist or comply, seek awareness or live in ignorance; those choices belong to every individual.

During the past several years I have become aware of a population, a relatively small population, of people who are the decision-makers of our world. Some I know by name but it is not my goal to name, names here. This population has an agenda that serves their small number while their agenda effects every living thing on this planet in ways that result in all sorts of poverty. Poverty in health, poverty in nourishment, poverty in housing, economic poverty, spiritual poverty, and poverty effecting various other human needs including interpersonal relationships. The agenda also seeks power over all, total dependence by the masses, control of natural resources , and ownership of every conceivable asset.

The following poem was written as a means for me to do something rather than nothing, to speak rather than remain silent. It was also written to admit my role regarding conditions and circumstances that I am opposed to in our world. And it was written with hope that another voice will join mine as I have joined those before me. I am choosing to live with the consequences of doing something rather than the consequences of doing nothing. Best.

Hidden Hand

Behind closed doors
the Hidden Hand
finances war
and reconciliation
Then further more
leads rich and poor
onto the shores of degradation

The Hidden Hand behind the plan
only some chosen few can see
The Hidden Hand behind the plan
as only some chosen few can be
The hand is not of
but only posed to win
to slay no ism
or ocracy
but to own them
and to win

The greatest question of them all
When will we come to see
By ignorance
or default
The Hidden Hand
belongs to thee
The Hidden Hand
belongs to me


that is pretty cool. put this song on and read the poem with the back ground music of this song. it fits perfect. as soon as he says AT 0:57 " I AM SO FREEKING BORED.
start reading your poem there. puts it on another level

Listened and liked what I heard. I struggle to walk and chew bubblegum at the same time, don't have it in me to read and listen. I appreciate the suggestion though. Best.

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