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RE: Authentic braveness (poetry)

in #poetry7 years ago

Brilliant as I have come to understand is your standard! After a few days more on Steemit, I also realise that the tiny drops we are making are just a fraction of the downpour and sadly they're only as beautiful as the few seconds visible until they drop into the gutter, or sink into the earth. Remain authentic though, it is your soul's right and instinct, and essential survival <3


Thank you for the kind words! And yes, I have to stay authentic as best I can. Being inauthentic hurts and does me no good. That being said, sometimes it's ok not to be authentic. For the sake of your own wellbeing!

Cool, glad to hear it! I was wondering when you are going to post another poem :)

Been busy these days. Maby tomorrow? :) Makes me happy to hear that you like what I do <3

Days are always busy aren't they? Nights too, sometimes! Yes, I find your work inspiring and thought provoking. We all need creative stimulation sometimes <3