Mystery (An Original Poem)

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Shared compromises,
a rare respite from
the extremes of
this age of divisiveness.

Cloistering, to explore
the universes within,
preserving your
uniqueness from the
intrusion of electronica.

Search, to find
your peace and lust
before you rust
and relevance begins
to fall away.

Dare to paint
a nuanced beauty
across every facet
of your soul,
until each atom
of your being
sings like a choir.

Forgive trespasses,
laying your conscience down
under a dark blanket of stars,
and sleeping soundly on sheets
that smell of sun
and the sea.

Greet each person
with the smiling eyes
of silent fellowship,
acknowledging the
hidden struggles
they must endure.

This life
is one painful pleasure,
that we all
have in common,
the most complex
enigma of all,
a great mystery that
I pray we never
fully understand.

Eric Vance Walton

(Gif sourced from

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the Steemit blockchain

My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

Let’s Keep In Touch

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I love this poem, i feel it very cool, fresh and rusty at the same time. Many sensations, a great piece of work.
From now i folllow you, a very interesting work, thanks for share it with us!

Posted using Partiko Android

Your writing style is absolutely different. Wow. I need to come for classes hahaha. It has been a while, sir. How have you been and your family?

Thanks! I try to change up my style from time to time when writing poetry. It depends on how the words come to me. All has been well here, we're just trying to get through a harsher than average winter here in Minnesota. I hope you and your family are well!

Yes, I heard about the harsh weather condition. How are you coping, sir? How is your adorable dog too?

Glad you are doing great sir. Yes, we are doing really well. The weather has been tricky here; sometimes cold, sometimes warm, and sometimes really hot hahaha.

I really admire the way you write and change them at will. When can I start my classes? Hahaha

Escaping for a week to the Caribbean certainly helped but we have around 15 inches of snow on the ground at the moment with more to come. I have to say, it's great for writing though. It forces you to stay inside and focused.

The thermometer has been making some wild jumps in the US lately too. I suspect climate change is playing a huge role in that.

I'm going to be launching a new venture soon that might just include writing instruction...more on that is soon to come. : ) Thanks for your support!

I can only imagine what is happening right now in the U.S. I saw pictures and was really surprised. Hoping it gets better.

Yes, staying indoor helps when it comes to writing. It allows me to be calm and think.

I really look forward to the writing instructions. Thanks for your constant support sir.

I can only imagine what is happening right now in the U.S. I saw pictures and was really surprised. Hoping it gets better.

Yes, staying indoor helps when it comes to writing. It allows me to be calm and think.

I really look forward to the writing instructions. Thanks for your constant support sir.

I can only imagine what is happening right now in the U.S. I saw pictures and was really surprised. Hoping it gets better.

Yes, staying indoor helps when it comes to writing. It allows me to be calm and think.

I really look forward to the writing instructions. Thanks for your constant support sir.

Reading this makes
"each atom
of your being
sings like a choir"
This meets it's mark and resonates deeply! Thank you

Thank you so much for reading @natureofbeing!

Amazing spiritual poem. Third stanza is very true .

Enjoyed your poem and being able see how you feel.

Thank you! Most of this one came to my in the gym while I was on the elliptical machine.

Excellent I am using more intuitive writing lately. Maybe we can tap into more of our inner nature. It is lovely how you were able to do that here.

Forgive trespasses, laying your conscience down under a dark blanket of stars, and sleeping soundly on sheets that smell of sun and the sea.
This line is the essence of life. Unless someone forgive he or she can not rise above the noise of life and the sound sleep deep down with the consicience can not be achieved. It is absolutely motivational and inspirational. Thank you for this poem.