The Faithful Dog!

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Do you know that amongst all the domestic animals, dogs are the most loyal, intelligent and the most faithful in relating with humans?

I always knew that dogs were faithful, but I never imagined that they were also very intelligent until I was told a story based on a true life event of an intelligent dog, which I hope to share with you guys today. Read this story to the end, and you would be astonished to see what happened in the end.

Here goes the story;

[1] - [A beautiful white puppy - pixabay]

There was a man, who happens to be a veterinary doctor, he had a wife and four beautiful kids, of which the first was a girl, and the rest were boys. One day he was returning from his veterinary clinic, on his way home, he saw a little white puppy lying down helplessly beside the road whining furiously in pain. On seeing the puppy, he pulled over his car immediately and walked towards the puppy to figure out what was wrong with it.

On getting to the puppy, he noticed that one of its limbs was broken. He rubbed the head of the puppy gently and continuously until it stopped whining. He then carefully and gently carried the puppy to his car and drove home. When he got home, without wasting time, he took the puppy to one of the labs he built in his backyard and treated it broken limbs, after which he feed the puppy with milk and some other supplements.

Few days later when the puppy was okay and able to walk properly again, he took the puppy to the spot where he found it lying helplessly, and then he asked the people around if anyone knew the owner of the puppy. After much searching and interrogations, not even a single person could lay claim of owning the little puppy. He then took the puppy home and decided to train it as his own since no one could claim it.

The next day, a lady came around claiming that she had been looking for her little white puppy for some days now, and that she overheard some children talking about how he was carrying a little white puppy around the previous day looking for the owner, so she decided to come and verify if it was her missing puppy. The doctor without wasting time took her to his garden where he kept the little puppy, and on seeing her, the puppy gave a friendly bark and ran to the lady wagging its tail and then laid at her feet. She bent down, rubbed the puppy’s head and lifted it to her chest. With everything being so obvious, the doctor didn’t bother arguing with the lady, and before she could say a word, he interjected her with the following statement;

I’m a veterinary doctor and I don’t need glasses to tell the owner of a dog when I see one.

He took the lady inside, offered her a drink and then narrated the whole story of how he met the puppy to how it ended up in his house. The lady was very thankful, and the doctor offered to give her back the puppy without requesting for a penny. But surprisingly, the puppy refused to leave the doctors house. They tried all they could but the puppy still insisted on staying with the doctor. Left without an option, the lady decided to place the puppy under the doctor’s care.

The doctor named the puppy spark! It was the name giving to the puppy by the lady. The doctor took very good care of the puppy, and as days passed by, the puppy grew up into a very beautiful giant male dog, and very fun of the doctor and his family.

[2] - [spark fully grown - pixabay]

One fateful day, the doctor returned from the clinic, and as usual was expecting his beautiful dog to come barking, wagging its tail and jumping at him, but that didn’t happen. He called out its name pettishly “sparky, sparky, sparky” but it still didn’t come out to welcome him. He assumed that the dog was probably sleeping, so he went inside without bothering to check around.

About two hours lately, one of the doctor’s youngest sons came to him asking if he had taken spark to his clinic for checkup. He replied no! And requested to know why the boy was asking. The boy replied that; he went to the dog’s cage to feed it, but it wasn’t in its cage, and that he had searched round the whole compound and still couldn’t find it. The doctor sensing how serious the case was, stood up and called his wife and his other kids asking each and every one of them if they had seen spark, but none gave a positive reply. He was a little furious, and they all searched the neighborhood together for spark, asking anyone they saw if they’ve seen a dog with spark’s description. But after their long search and interrogations, they couldn’t find spark anywhere.

Three days later, the doctor was alone in the his, with his children gone for school, and his wife gone to the market to get some foodstuffs. He sat on the cough in his sitting room contemplating on how he was going to tell the lady who owned the spark how her dog suddenly disappeared without traces. Suddenly, he heard scratches on the gate, and immediately he went to the gate to see what was at his gate. On opening the gate, low and behold was spark carrying a little injured brown puppy with its mouth! And as spark saw the doctor, he dropped the little puppy at his feet and wagged its tail swiftly.

The doctor couldn’t say a word because he was very excited to see his dog and astonished to how his dog could be so wise to the extent of knowing where to bring a fellow sick dog. He then immediately picked up the little puppy and hurriedly treated it.

That was the end of the story. I hope you really enjoyed it?

I’m sure you do have your thoughts about dogs being very wise, please do share your thoughts and don’t forget to hit that upvote button.

Thanks For Reading




I agree with you because dog has being part of human life since centuries.
They normally study some common behaviours from humankind and use that to relate to their owners. @kelvino

I so much love dogs especially when they are still puppies. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!