Your Mansion in Heaven

in #poetry6 years ago

Your Mansion in Heaven.jpg


Your mansion, or home, is your personal space
Your mansion in heaven is exactly the same way
You build one to live in while you're alive
You build the other for a later day

The one costs money for you to obtain
The other, your actions will pay the price
You pay for it by keeping God's commandments
By being helpful and always trying to be nice

You pay for it by being good to the people around you
You pay by helping the poor and needy
You pay when you give your time and teach about the Savior
You pay by being generous and not greedy

You pay for it by giving your life to the Savior
If you do all God asks and always endure
Your mansion in heaven will last forever
Wich mansion are you working for



The King James translates "dwelling places" as "mansions". Other translations like the NIV corrected that.

(John 14:2 NIV) In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.

The Greek word for “mansions” occurs again in the New Testament only in John 14:23, where it is rendered abode.” Wiclif and the Geneva version read “dwellings.” It is found in the Greek of the Old Testament only in 1 Maccabees 7:38 (“Suffer them not to continue any longer”—“give them not an abode”). Our translators here followed the Vulgate, which has “mansiones “with the exact meaning of the Greek, that is; “resting-places,” “dwellings.” In Elizabethan English the word meant no more than this, and it now means no more in French or in the English of the North. A maison or a manse, is not necessarily a modern English mansion. It should also be noted that the Greek word is the substantive answering to the verb which is rendered “dwelleth” in John 14:10, and “abide” in John 15:4-10. (see Note there).

Okay... Thanks.

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