
in #poetry8 years ago

“Tell me, Captain, what are your hopes?
What are the things that you desire the most?”

I don’t want to work anymore.
I want to spend my days doing things for fun
and personal growth, rather than be too tired
after a shift for Acme Co.

I want to feel inspired, to feel happiness
and unselfish love.
I want to make money by doing projects
that interest me, even if only momentarily.
I want one day to be a polymath,
skilled in multiple crafts.

This one is my personal favorite.

I want to have ample time to relax and unwind,
literally do nothing if I so choose
while not having anyone ask me for dues.

I want to master my discipline.
If I’m speaking the truth,
I have no real desire to be huge.
Bitches would love it,
but I’d rather be like Bruce Lee.
He was a small man,
but ripped to shreds,
and he could defend himself
against anyone.

Speaking of Bruce Lee, I want to learn
martial arts, more crafts that I would keep
till the end.

“Tell me, Captain, what are your hopes?
What are the things you desire the most?”

I want to be in a warm climate all the time.
I want a nice place somewhere tropical
that I can Air B&B while I’m in Canada
for the summer months.
I want a nice place (or two!) in Canada
that I can Air B&B while I’m in the tropics
for the winter months.

I want girls from multiple parts of the world.
I want to see these girls whenever I’m in their city,
regardless of if they have a man, or men.
I want to make visiting these cities a little hobby,
finding some of the absolute best places for me to live.

I want to make money in a way that will
enable me to do the above travel while still
working in any city, at any time, I please.

I want a woman who, no matter how many men she meets,
her absolute favorite, the one she looks up to most,
the one she answers to before any,
will always be me.

I want to find the above mentioned woman
before she turns twenty-three.

I want her to have a profitable hobby,
or the means for her to not work at all,
while I provide for us both.

Is that too much to ask for?
I should note, I’m not asking.
This exercise of self-making
is the foundation of surpassing
all that is in the present.
Hence, by the consequence of tense,
a man’s meager self-making
shall one day be a mountain
of self-made.