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RE: Rainbow Body Initiation

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Wow! You wrote the whole lengthy post in the comment. This is exactly what I yearn to read on Steemit. Your poetry posts are good, but this kind of wisdomful post will greatly help many and would be much appreciated! ☺

Currently, I'm doing my best to cultivate chi, and to merge female and male energies together. But sometimes, I feel too much pressure in my lower dan-tien area due to tremendous amount of stored energy there. I had to do lot of energy transmutation and grounding to get relief ~ handling energy is really a big challenge. Plus, sometimes, I felt, it leaks through hara center.

Have you experienced the energy leakage from your centers?


Aloha @stargreen! I am glad you enjoy the posts and poetry! I encode the poetry with wisdom for seekers; similar to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth as translated by Dr. Doreal of the White Temple ;)

The stored energy in the different levels of dan-tien is like charging your cell phone over night and letting the electricity keep filling a battery past its current capacity. If this is done excessively, it may actually cause a leakage in energy because of the stress it puts on the system.

For those of us that have charged our cell phones over night many times over and over, we may realize that the battery may die quicker the next day. The mechanism that is responsible for regulating the energy may not operate at the same level and will not be able to charge the same as it used to, leading to needing a replacement of battery or cell phone. Thank goddess we are much more evolved than a cellphone. =P

In this concept, of the cell phone, we have to utilize the stored energy and empty it (like a reset of stagnant energy) to be filled again to maximize the flow. With the cultivation of qi and feeling of excessive pressure stored, we must use it to full potential. This may be through the creative arts of dancing, martial arts, drawing, sex, manifestation, etc. If we are not using it, we may transmute it for longevity and even direct it back to spirit energy to magnify like a mirror.

Normally when people inhale, they feel themselves filling with energy. When they exhale they feel the energy moving out. Now, I would suggest a test for you to flip this around. Using the inhale (clench pubococcygeus muscle); as you bring up the sexual energy from your lower dan-tien up your spine to the crown, and as you exhale; bring the energy back down to heart (filled with fresh shen) and back into lower center. In your lower center, pressure cook the energy into a heat as it cycles to transmute it; which can be used for greater manifestation. (this can also be used to generate inner heat energy in very cold environments).

When you get used to this, you will also be inhaling and exhaling from the energies of earth and the heavens simultaneously with the above exercise and generating the inner star light within you. The green star is perfect, as the emerald green (one of my favorite colors next to violet) is spirit infused into matter in perfect harmony. The ray of the Divine Mother a.k.a. Ma Ray a.k.a. Mary a.k.a. the Grail lineage of the high priestess.

Let me know if you have any other questions, as I am happy to be of service for true seekers. I mentor and coach people for transformation as a living =)

Oh My goodness! This is profoundly what I've been seeking for! I am so glad that I've found you! I didn't expect that I will find someone like you on Steemit! Thank you so much for showing up, you are a big blessing to me. ✨

I will do that exercise daily and will let you know how it goes. ☺

I remember so many past lives, And I remember being on a green planet, I mean, everything green on it and even the sky! And I always loved emerald green colour since my childhood. 😊💚

You're one of the most beautiful, radiant, generous soul I've ever met. 😊

I want to use my energy for higher purpose. I've been always intrigued to develop myself on advance levels and to remove all the blockages, implants to better serve my role, my mission here. ☺ I look forward to your post for hidden, encoded diamonds and gems and wisdom, hehe. 😊

May the divinity bless upon you! 🌟

You are very welcome! I am a reflection of you. Therefore you are beautiful, radiant, and generous as well. ;)

Earlier today I made a post about an experience I had yesterday with physically seeing vibrations shift reality and glowing orbs come out and float around me.

Here is the newest one I just posted a few minutes ago:

I also posted a lengthy comment @invinciblelight, talking about Divine Masculine and Feminine creations. Perhaps you may find it to be interesting. =P

@metaradiant, I'm very impressed by your wisdom that you hold within and your selfless nature to spread it unconditionally! :) I really loved your teaching here. Is there any source or book you would like to suggest to help us better understand about the different light bodies/energy bodies, and how we can integrate and balance our divine muscline and divine feminine?

Greetings @invinciblelight! Thank you for your kind comment.

The source is within, and reflected in all life. Wisdom is always right in front of us and within us, we just have to be aware of it, and be open to receive it. It may come from the trees, the water from our faucet, a kid walking in front of us, the stars above, the sun, celestial beings, the inner knowing of being, the way we interact, and how others interact with each other.

For books I used to read many books when I was younger. Reading books in the Theosophical movement by authors such as Alice Bailey, Blavatsky and more. I went into reading books by Godfre Ray king and the I AM movement (all those old green books from 1930s and such). I also enjoyed reading autobiographies and peoples experiences such as Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far east by Baird T. Spaulding (5 book set) and of course Autobiography of a yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. A few masonic books to get their perspective. The whole ascended master movement of books. Books my Lobsang Rampa, and Jon Peniel's The Lost Teachings of Atlantis (I highly enjoyed this Atlantis book because I could related to it). Vast amount of healing books like Energy Medicine, You can heal your life, The Science of Miracles etc. I used to go to the book store to read several books every few days, so the listing of books can go on for a long while. Many of these books can relate to different types of the energy bodies in some way.

The key here is to embody being you. Being the author of your story and wisdom already inheritly contained from this embodiment, past embodiments, and future ones all simultaneously.

If you would like to be entertained with a story about Divine masculine and feminine, I shall tell that here.

The rift of duality occurs somewhere around the 9th dimension. (whatever that means in our perceptive experience lol.. Think musical scale but cosmic level). This is where we get a split of divine masculine and divine feminine. Or twin flames. From these twin flames, we also have the soul groups in that monad (12 souls; 6m & 6f). And a step beyond that, in the bigger scale would be like 144 souls in that Higher Self group of 72m and 72f. And of course beyond this to certain lineages of Creators under one Supreme CREATOR. When One ascends, they all start to merge back together from their experiences to integrate. But the ascension is just a small scale of that because there can be solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal, cosmic ascensions, etc.

Going back in the records, with the Creator of this dimensional universe (not necessarily Supreme CREATOR) all was perfect and they wanted to experience various creations never existed before. They created the split into duality for masculine + feminine = which was very harmonious in their creations. Then they did creations where feminine + feminine = very caring and loving and thrived. Then they did masculine + masculine = rift. What happened in this creation is that one Creator became the face of the creation thinking he was in charge, and the Creator became jealous and manipulated him from behind the scenes, which spawned a dark creation. (not necessarily good or bad as the point of these were to experience an evolution never created before). These dark creations started to produce and spread, infected the other creations of other Creators.

If you think about your body. You may be healthy. But if a virus comes in, it is an outside foreign entity that has invaded. Think of the different universes and creations like people. They are universes unto themselves. Now if there is an invading virus, visualize that those were the spawns of the dark creation that has invaded and contagious among those surrounding creations. Like our bodies, many are not prepared for the first wave with no need of antibodies and immune system to fight it, because all was perfect before. Therefore many creations got infected during the fall. The Supreme CREATOR (intelligence beyond these Creators) thus created the healing mechanisms and angels to tend to the creations and work hand in hand with those in the creation to repair. This is just more in a more grandeur picture.

Back to the smaller picture. What is happening above, is reflected below in the mirror of energy. From the cosmos to the cellular levels. Coming back into harmony happens with each breath we take, where we inhale the duality of Divine masculine and feminine into oneness. We integrate in the hold and evolve to the next level. In the exhale, we thus create again. Whether we choose to use the wisdom and integration is another level. The infection of dark creations happened in the level of mind. Clear the infection and the way is clear of illusions.

Anyways, this is just a story I am sharing from my understanding, whether people resonate with it or not is their choice. Let me know how it feels for you or any insights you receive =)

Sorry I got late in checking this awesome reply from you. I resonated with everything you said, except one. How come one of those creator got jealous? A creator is a God! Creator is above human emotions, And I don't think any real god can get jealous or angry. And the creator who took part in creaton of this universe might be of great wisdom, intelligence, and completely balanced within.

As what I know, It was Metatron group who seperated themselves to create their own AI based universe which shiphon energy from another source energy for its servival.

Thank you for your input! It is nice that you resonate with everything except that one part. I will go into detail with that aspect. What I am sharing is just a different perspective. Whether people believe to be true or not is up to them. ;)

In reference to the above, this explains part of experiencing a creation that has never existed previously to that point. Experiencing the different combinations to feel what would happen with the creations. With the split of duality, this refers to the pairing of two masculine creators. Without the compassionate mastery of the divine feminine, new energies swirled for a new experience. The masculine energy is very direct, accomplishing what needs to be done, sometimes justifying itself to be "right" to achieve a certain goal. Sometimes this may even mean creating machines and clones with lack of feelings, just to obey and finish the mission mentality. The experiencing of this energy in motion translated into feelings that may not have existed before, leading to what we may term the shadow in the light. Birthing emotions such as fear, jealousy, hatred (which did not exist before, but were new at that time of experiencing in realms of perfection.) This occurred in a creation not of this one (virus) which affected several creations.

There are many creators, just like we are creators, experiencing different levels of the creation. Some create in the physical, some in the astral, others in the causal, others even beyond. When we tap into that creator aspect within us, we too are God. (must be very carefully discerned with this part as spiritual ego can play interesting games here). Humans consider beings that have attained great levels of mastery gods. They are creating in levels that are beyond comprehension.

With younger souls experiencing primarily the 3rd-12th dimensions, they may not comprehend what is beyond. Like a crystal mineral rock attempting to comprehend a tree creating fruits and feeding off light rays, or the plants attempting to comprehend an animal, or a dog attempting to understand humans, or humans attempting to understand beyond. From beyond, they have a greater understanding of humans; just as humans have a greater understanding of plants and crystals, to the point where humans are creators; planting, splicing, experimenting in different environments, etc. To the plants and crystals, these humans are godly creators. Yet from another humans perspective, may realize even if humans are creators, they have much to learn.

For many people, if they are told they are already in the astral and light realms simultaneously, it is difficult to perceive, unless they have already experienced and remember it. There is no traveling to the astral realm or need of a body, because it is awareness that is already there. It is just about tuning into what already is. Yet people are used to a body, so they create a body in those realms, thinking they need one to get around. Now to take that a step further, beyond those realms are even more dimensions and realms of existence and beingness. Just because a creator being is creating from the 24th dimension does not mean they have transcended all there is to be. By the time they experience the 366th dimension creating creators, it is beyond knowing, unless they have already came from there and experienced it already.

In terms of this physical realm and universe we are living in, this is just one tiny microscopic cell within the cosmos. Yes, the Creator of this universe is of great wisdom, intelligence, and balance; yet the Creator of this universe is relatively "young" in the grand scheme. Just like there are children that are more easy susceptible to viruses at a young age, the body creates the necessary defense to rebalance after the experience. Creators also tend to embody the creation they create to learn and experience it from within.

Perhaps one may say; the creator gods are also continually evolving into even greater levels of Oneness with the Supreme CREATOR, just as the Supreme CREATOR is already Perfect, yet creating even newer experiences for greater levels of perfection beyond any beginning or ending.


Thank you very much @metaradiant to explain it further, I now understood it completely! ☺

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