in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

A world without money
We could all live with ease.
Our rich won't be happy and drop to their knees.
The rich will starve.
Surely not to thrive.
While the poor still strive, excel, flourish and we all manage survive.

We poor learnt long ago how lend a hand,
we'll help our fellow man from hectic jam.
Unlike the rich who while young they learn.
Without care they buy, sell and scam their fellow man.
Wealthy they trade in dollars and cents, while the rest of us sit far from that fence.
We prefer to trade in love and compassion, in a world without care for wants they may fashion.

A world without money
We could all live with ease.
The rich may not like, while they have to say please.
For their not prepared in working together, since a stroke of the pen feels light as a feather.
Those buttons they push, always changing the numbers.
With little in mind only money which matters.
We poor can not save, we are but mere slaves.
While money you crave, send us slaves all to the grave.
Money's the scam to enforce all you plan, a plan and a scam without thought fellow man.
Not misunderstood down here in the hood, we all know well.
Your money's not good!
Ninety nine verses, the one percent
I'm not sure it is how our planet was meant.
But you do the math it could all end a blood bath!!!
A good argument, to the one percent ​.
Take yourselves and your money, consider them both spent.
If ninety nine conspire, to scam with intent, that would be a great plan for the rich one percent.
Author. Tony Marshall
PROUD 99%er

Pics by Google images.


My thoughts exactly. What a beautiful job writing you did.

Awww thank you so much. I've had this a long time no one has ever seen it public. Really thank you for the kind words you've helped encourage me to get brave and put more up here. Have really been hoping ️Yo find my kind of people here.

No words...

Just goosebumps.

Good!thats what I like to here. Silence 😉You will love the next cab off the rank. image.jpg

I sure will!!!

Have I got my tags right?

Sweet thank you. I kinda struggle with that part till I find my way round here a bit better always feel free to check them and let me know what u think.

Great work Tony. The 99% will always survive. We have been trained from birth now all we need to do is unite and take joy in the fact that it won't be long before capitalism reaches its final outcome and the 1% drown in useless paper. Whilst we all plant our food and build our shelters. Then sit around our camp fires and celebrate a new begining. 😀😀

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I see it more we already own and operate everything just use it all as needed. No more need for a consumerist based economy and way of life. We can still keep the same farms in place to grow food only we will take trips to these farms to help out and we can sit there of a night round the fire.

We can start building things to last instead of breaking having a short shelf life and nothing is repairable. We live in a throw away society for a reason. Keep the salvery alive and well. Control system is all it is. While we are too busy surviving in this current system. We have no time to look at or interact with the big picture. Instead we trust a few corrupt arseholes to do it for us.

Let's face it. We can bulds a race car that screams its head off and holds together for a 24 hour race or a space ship we trust to leave the planet. But we can't build a washing machine that the bearing lasts longer than two years. Nor can we fix the washing machine we throw it and replace it.

Sad thing is Tony other than a complete breakdown in the status quo. We need funds to bring this about. Full steem ahead 😎😎 BTW either outcome would suit me lol.

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That's what I like to hear. Either way suits!
Check this way out⬇️


Peope power buddy. We can change things We have the power we just need the balls and whatever the lady equivalent is. Good on iceland. They remain a very progressive country.

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We don't need rulers and the current control system the way we are kept. We only need necessity to be our only driving force. That would make for a real progressive society. Imagine the real advances in science if science was not bought and sold. We would start knowing some real truths that would totally begin to benefit the world as a whole not just money/ control driven for a few.

Yea progressive science for the many not just the few. Invention for evolution not for profit. I like your thoughts Brother😁

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Nice to find people who comprehend what im saying. If we are talking change. These are real changes for the better of us all and the planet. People are very distracted far from the basics of what's really needed. It's no where near as complicated as they make out. We have half of society working too hard long hours no one home to raise children. The other half have no work and plenty turning to crime to support themselves and drugs for escapism. Legal or illegal drugs makes no difference. Take money out the picture people still have a need to work and be part of the community. We are working one half too hard and destroying community values and so on while they are afraid of becoming like the other side who are pretty much excluded from being a productive part of the community.
Happy people with their basic needs met have no reason to commit crime or seek other forms of escape.

Tony. I love your poem. I feel your poem. Now I am going to ask you what you define as rich. What do you define as poor. I am not trying to give you a hard time. Just asking. It seems pretty black and white with no grey areas. Is it a good idea to paint everyone with the same brush. I know many people with huge bank accounts that live a simple life and have more care and respect than a hundred other folks. I do get your point...well written. Just saying. If poor is good why are poor angry? Is there not a happy medium somewhere?

The answer is in the last line. The rich one percent. The rest of us are all being used one way or another.
We are all basically farmed by the 1%. When I wrote this and some others like this. I was new to the Internet a few years ago and it was the truther movement going on. They are the people this is targeted at as that's what was on my mind I seen it all around me at the time. I still see the message in these as relevant or I wouldn't put them up. I still wasn't speaking out as loudly and obviously as I do now days and since you've known me. I didn't have all the people around me then either. This was me looking through the holes in everything and finding the only way I could see through it. Everyone else was happy to argue who knew the most about how we being screwed over and all I could think was let's deal with that later after we get the job done. Our freedom back to the people. You will see this as I put a few more up from that time in my life. 😇

Yes, I understand where you are coming from. You see from our conversation where I was coming from. What you are saying is largely true, but we still must try not to paint everyone with the same brush. As I explained by example we can not always know, and therefore judge accordingly. Still a good poem and I tend to agree...most of the time. lol

The piece is only about the one percent. The people who stand behind government and hide behind the Corperations they own, their decisions effect all of us world wide. They are the only ones I speak of here. It's not money im targeting only the control system. Take away the money the control system they hold us in falls apart.

yes...totally agree on that point. corporations are nothing but a huge greedy mess.

Corperations sure are the worst. They are my first target nothing but a disguise. For behind them all, hides people with old money. Born to rule over us. The next on my shit list consumerism cos that's what supports the whole things. We do. To many buy into it. I'll get to that later.
That's a whole nother piece coming to a steemit post near you. 😂😉.
I like the things you've brought up here. They will help me write.

Tis the season!
"So this is Christmas and what have you done?"
Well lets make it something this year. ♡

Nice to meet you all. ^_^/~☆ wave wave wave

Totally worth my entire .001 well done, Hope I’m not intruding here 👻

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Seems im rolling in the big money here. Few million more poems to write and my life be sorted then. 😂glad you liked it.

you will be a rich aussie in no time. lol

Hey u got me beat I'd need to write a billion ! That's exponentially a lower class lol ! I even used "Doth" in my poem for alliteration and archaic acknowledgement ! I then tried a dpoll which is a pretty cool concept, but thus far the results are lackluster and the opinions as i expected. I shouldn't have done such a thought provoking poll, I should've kept to people's main sensibilities and began a discussion about money and how much more valuable it makes them feel to have it !

"the reward of a thing well done is having done it" It's difficult to ascertain who said it in this day and age, tis a trivial thing needing to know as well, especially for this particular apropos phrase. So, let's go with Oscar the Grouch

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Was expecting Oscar Wilde

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