Life & Death Haikus: Dog Owners Own Up Or Let Go (Original Poem)

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Morning walks ruined
By disgusting dog feces
On all the pathways...

Please excuse the language in the first gif, but it was so funny and so bad, I had to use it. It is sickening and cuts to the chase to get my point across! The worst thing about this global issue is that many dog owners, not all dog owners, but many of them really don't seem to care, until it happens to them that they fall, slide, slip or step on or into a pile of animal defecation from a fellow dog owner. It is snowing right now in Germany, so that means it is even more difficult to see where the dog landmines are with a thin layer of sleet and snow blanketing the roads and sidewalks.

Everything is hidden until you are the one who realises what has happened. Either it is all over your shoes or the wheels of your shopping trolley, or the wheels of your bicycle, and child stroller, but truly the worst situation is the first gif. Such a terrible situation to be in. I wouldn't want anyone to talk to me either and it would be hard not to be angry. Dog owners, pick up after your dog's droppings, or stop owning dogs and let go of them, since you have let go of being responsible for them and the messes that they make. They don't take care of themselves...

I have owned plenty of dogs before, and I never enjoyed cleaning up after them but that is what you're supposed to do without question. You don't just leave it there for the next person to discover it, walk away from it and just hope it disappears or someone else will clean it up, or even hope it rains enough to where it washes away... If I see people leaving their dog's feces where they've been and they clearly saw their dog do it, I definitely call them out on it. It is a pet peeve of mine for sure. I would expect anyone to call me out on that as well, it just isn't considerable of the environment and the public. Please clean it up or deal with the fines and backlash from witnesses 'cause you'll eventually get caught up in your selfishness.

Thank you for reading & viewing this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

All Gifs used from

Next Post coming tomorrow

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My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


Wow... 😍 😍 😍 Nice poem. 👏👏👏 Awesome write-up. And your photos are so lovely and attractive.

I'd say you're one of the creative minds @ned thought of before he came about this great and lovely platform #Steemit 😂 ☺ 😂 😂 ☺. Quite captivating and useful. 💯💯

Upvoted! ♨️

Thanks for sharing @verbal-d


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what the actual ...?

Yep, annoying dirty stuff

Out in the country
Dogs are more considerate
Leash laws are relaxed

The sled dog gif is hilarious!

yeah the gifs were fun to pick out lol

the country is big and open, and i would expect it to be more free range for the animals no problem, but city town life is just too confined to avoid the landmines all too close in proximity to one another on the walk ways lol

wishing your next walk
will be pleasant and peaceful
with no dog poop too

Thank you very much
I hope it is pleasant too
Praying for clean streets

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Another cool thing.

I read your comments and you're posting the same kind of comments to many accounts, please stop spamming or you will be flagged, thanks

Try stepping on a used condom. I have one over you son. HAHA.

I am sorry you had to go through that, that is also sickening. Hope you disinfected your feet with scalding hot water and gallons of soap

Everyone has an opinion
But unfortunately it is true

Yeah unfortunately it is, I hate it lol love dogs, but hate the lack of responsibility and consideration dog owners show.

Thank you! Nothing worse than getting back from a lovely walk just to realize that you've brought a whole s**t back home on your shoes.

You're most welcome, thank you for reading, and sharing your thoughts, I'm glad we see eye to eye on this major problem

Yeah.. they need more responsibilities what their family did on the road. indeed....

Thanks for reading, yes they def have to help keep the roads and walkways clean

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