Sky poetry

in #poetylast month

Endless canvas, sky of blue,
Where dreams and daylight intertwine,
Morning whispers, twilight hue,
Your vast expanse, a realm divine.


Cotton clouds in gentle drift,
Beneath your dome of azure light,
You hold the sun, its golden gift,
And cradle stars in velvet night.

A painter's breath, a poet's muse,
You stretch beyond horizon's seam,
Each shade of blue, a secret clue,
To tales of wonder, hope, and dream.

Your depth, a mirror to the sea,
Reflects the heart's unfettered flight,
In sky blue’s calm serenity,
The soul finds solace, pure delight.

Above the mountains, soaring high,
You arch with grace, serene and true,
An endless dance, the earth and sky,
In boundless beauty, sky of blue.

Through seasons' change, you stay the same,
A steadfast friend, a guiding light,
In summer's warmth or winter's frame,
You hold our gaze, both day and night.

In springtime's bloom, your color sings,
With birds that trace your airy script,
In autumn's fall, your silence brings,
A peaceful calm, by leaves wind-swept.

Your vast expanse, a healer’s touch,
To weary hearts and wandering souls,
In moments grand, in moments such,
Your presence mends, your peace consoles.

Children gaze with wonder's eyes,
As you unveil your morning show,
The sun ascends, the shadows rise,
In sky blue's gentle, golden glow.

Artists pause with brush in hand,
Inspired by your endless grace,
They capture scenes both vast and grand,
Of your expansive, tranquil space.

Travelers beneath your watchful care,
Find guidance in your endless dome,
From distant lands, to here, to there,
You are the constant, you are home.

At dawn you wake the world anew,
With promises of untold day,
In midday's height, a vibrant hue,
That lights the path, that leads the way.

By dusk you weave a softer tone,
As sun descends, and night prepares,
The sky of blue now overflown,
With hues of pinks and purples rare.

And as the night begins its reign,
With stars that punctuate the dark,
The sky of blue will still remain,
A faithful guardian, a tranquil ark.

Through every storm, through wind and rain,
You bear the brunt, yet still you shine,
With thunder's roar and lightning's strain,
Your strength and calm, a grand design.

The sky of blue, a timeless tale,
Of nature’s beauty, wild and free,
A poem written without fail,
Across the heavens, endlessly.

In moments when the heart is light,
Or burdened by the weight of care,
Look up to where the sky shines bright,
And find a solace, pure and rare.

For in your boundless, blue embrace,
Lies the essence of the day,
A testament to nature’s grace,
In every shifting, changing ray.

No matter where on earth we stand,
Beneath the sky's cerulean dome,
We’re linked by this celestial band,
That calls to us, that feels like home.

Your color speaks in quiet tones,
Of freedom, hope, and endless skies,
A silent song that gently roams,
Through every heart, through every sigh.

In summer days, you’re sapphire bold,
In winter, ice and crystal clear,
A tapestry of blues unrolled,
To mark the passage of the year.

The sailor on the open sea,
Relies on you to guide his way,
Through waves and winds that fiercely be,
Your steady blue does not betray.

The dreamer in the quiet night,
Finds comfort in your silent span,
Imagines worlds of pure delight,
Where every wish is more than grand.

The poet with his heart laid bare,
Draws from your depths, profound and true,
In every line, a whisper’s care,
A tribute to the sky of blue.

So let us cherish every shade,
From morning light to evening fall,
In every hue, a promise made,
To hold us in its gentle thrall.

For sky of blue, you are a friend,
A constant through the fleeting years,
Your beauty knows no bound, no end,
A balm for joys, a balm for tears.

In every glance we cast above,
We see reflected dreams anew,
In sky of blue, in sky of love,
A boundless world, forever true.

Endless canvas, sky of blue,
Where dreams and daylight intertwine,
Morning whispers, twilight hue,
Your vast expanse, a realm divine.

Cotton clouds in gentle drift,
Beneath your dome of azure light,
You hold the sun, its golden gift,
And cradle stars in velvet night.

A painter's breath, a poet's muse,
You stretch beyond horizon's seam,
Each shade of blue, a secret clue,
To tales of wonder, hope, and dream.

Your depth, a mirror to the sea,
Reflects the heart's unfettered flight,
In sky blue’s calm serenity,
The soul finds solace, pure delight.

Above the mountains, soaring high,
You arch with grace, serene and true,
An endless dance, the earth and sky,
In boundless beauty, sky of blue.


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