Eric Teaches Adult 023 - Pokémon Breeding 神奇宝贝培育/孕育steemCreated with Sketch.

in #pokemon2 years ago

This is the Twenty-Third series of "Eric Teaches Adult". Eric gives a weekly light talk, to improve his presentation skills (and to teach his Daddy (me) something new).

Eric likes to teach me something every week - and he starts with his favorite Pokemon, he plans to do this for at least 18 weeks.

Pokemon Breeding refers to the process in Pokemon games where two different gendered Pokemon are allowed to breed, resulting in a new offspring Pokemon. This process takes place in the Day Care within the game, where the two Pokemon are left for a certain period of time to naturally breed and produce a new offspring Pokemon.

Several factors affect the breeding process of Pokemon, including gender, species, personality, skills, and more.

By selecting different Pokemon combinations, training, and nurturing, players can cultivate their favorite Pokemon. By excellent breeding, stronger offspring Pokemon can be produced, making this an essential game feature in Pokemon.

During the breeding process, players can use items to increase the success rate of breeding and produce better offspring Pokemon. For example, specific items can allow Pokemon to produce more eggs or reduce the hatching time.

In summary, Pokemon Breeding is a fun game feature that allows players to cultivate stronger Pokemon through their efforts and strategies, providing greater support for their adventure journey.

这是我家大娃的 "Eric Teaches Adult" 系列第23期。 主要是让娃提高一下表达能力,轻喷。

Pokemon Breeding是指在Pokemon游戏中,通过让两只不同性别的Pokemon交配,产生出新的幼崽Pokemon的过程。这个过程需要在游戏中的Day Care中进行,当两只Pokemon被放置在Day Care中时,它们会在一定的时间内自然交配,从而产生一个新的幼崽Pokemon。



总之,Pokemon Breeding是一个非常有趣的玩法,它让玩家可以通过自己的努力和策略来培育出更强大的Pokemon,为自己的冒险旅程提供更多的支持。

See all the Pokemon Videos


!ask Who invented Pokemon?

Pokémon was created by Satoshi Tajiri, a video game designer and a passionate fan of insect collecting and bug-catching. He wanted to create a video game that replicated the thrill of catching bugs in nature.

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
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