in #political8 years ago

I've been watching our political campaign and I'm sure you like me have been embarrassed by the high school antics being used by the candidates. I would like to hear more about what they are going to do in office and where they stand on the important issues. I'm tired of them throwing stones at each other. Tell me how you plan on generating more jobs, paying off debts, helping our veterans get better medical and helping the homeless ones. I am an independent and as such I believe in voting for the best candidate, I put parties aside. The down side of being an independent is the primaries, I'm left out and get no voice and this is something I think our government should fix. I'm sure someone doesn't agree with me but that's the beauty of the United States of America, we get to have our own opinions. Peace and Love.


How many campaign promises are ever kept anyways? Bush ran on a humble foreign policy in 2000, Obama ran on transparency and ending wars, and so on and so on. How about we just stop looking for rulers to solve our problems?

Trump is policy light. Clinton is not. I know many many people hate Hillary Clinton and I'm not trying to convince you to like her, but here are two speeches.


Im a nonvoter, brother. Couldn't vote for any of the bags of shit running and feel good about it in the slightest.

For me I have to vote, my forefathers fought and died for the right to vote and be heard. I know, it seems like that right has been taken away but we the people still have a voice and we have to fight to keep that voice. Voting to get the right people in office that are for the people and not just for the party. You know, the good thing is in this country you get the right to choose, you can do what you want, vote or not vote, not all people have the right to choose.

I also have the right to a gay marriage, but it doesn't oblige me to do so. The chance of my voice making a difference in an election is less than being struck by lightning several times. I disagree that using a vote to force a ruler upon those not wanting one shows arrogance and authoritarianism if my vote did matter. No offense.

People do not understand how our government is set up, if they did they would know that the people running for office cannot just take office and change things. We have the house, senate and congress set up to protect us from one person going into office and making changes. It has to go through a process and votes have to pass. Yet people believe the candidates, there is no I it is a We and unless we all agree odds of those deals and laws passing are low. What we need to work on is our country coming together as one nation and put party lines aside.

So the war powers act and executive orders don't exist? I understand the facade that government tries to portray themselves as, I just don't want to buy the product.

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