Egyptian Court Remove Morsi Name from Terrorist List

in #political6 years ago (edited)

Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi

CAIRO - An appeals court in Cairo has decided to remove the name of former President Mohamed Morsi from a list of terrorists from the country. Morsi name deletion along with 1,500 other names from the list.

The Egyptian Cassation Court overturned the final decision of the Cairo Criminal Court and ordered to return the case to a criminal court for review. This means that the transfer of the defendant from the terror list is not final.

Among those who were cleared of the terrorist list were retired popular soccer player Mohamed Abou Trika, now a sports TV analyst in Qatar, who fled the country after he was accused of supporting the banned group as quoted by Xinhua on Thursday (5/7/2018).

Morsi lost his presidential seat after a coup by the Egyptian military in 2013 after his government was raided by a demonstration for a year.

Many members and followers of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Morsi himself and the group's supreme leader Mohamed Badie, are currently in jail. Many members of the Muslim Brotherhood have been sentenced to death and life imprisonment for varying indictments ranging from inciting violence and murder to espionage and prison break-ins.

Since Morsi stepped down, Egypt has faced a wave of terror activities that left hundreds of police, soldiers and civilians killed. A Sinai-based group affiliated with the regional Islamic terrorist group of the Islamic State (IS) claims responsibility for most of the terror attacks in Egypt.

Meanwhile, Egyptian military and police killed hundreds of militants and arrested thousands of suspects as part of the country's anti-terror wars declared by newly re-elected President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi. Al-Sisi's military commander when Morsi was coupled.

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