Opinion: Cultural Appropriation is isolating white people in the U.S.

in #politics7 years ago

Cultural appropriation is a semi-new buzz phrase being thrown around in liberal media. While most people have only heard of the term in the last five years, it originated in the 70s and 80s as a cultural critique of colonialism. The modern definition, however, seems to be aimed directly at white people who adopt, or "appropriate" minority culture traditions into their lives. Examples include anything from dreadlocks, celebrating Cinco de Mayo, or even referring to a group of people as "guys" or "you guys".


The idea of calling out cultural appropriation is aimed at not offending or minimalizing minority groups, which seems to be a noble and worthy cause on the surface. However, there is something that is not being taken into account. Cultural appropriation is isolating and shaming white people, pushing them into a corner where they feel that they aren't allowed to express themselves or explore other cultures without offending and angering minorities.

While obvious cases of appropriation can be deemed offensive, such as the dated practice of using blackface instead of actual African American actors in films, there are more innocuous cases in which the offendor was clearly oblivious to the misdeed and subsequently publicly shamed. The article below shows an example of a woman who threw her daughter a Japanese styled birthday party. Her public humiliation went viral.

japanese party.png

Using shame and embarrassment can be used as a subtle way to limit freedom of speech, and that is exactly what is happening in many of these cases. White people who enjoy and appreciate other cultures are being told in no uncertain terms not to attempt to empathize or assimilate in any way. Media publishes articles firmly stating that it is absolutely not okay for white people to do certain things that seem innocuous on the surface.


The United States used to be referred to as a "melting pot" of cultures from around the world, however, in recent years, it would appear that segregation is in full upswing. Using specific terms like "cultural appropriation", "white privilege", etc are having an unintended affect on many white people. They feel shamed, guilty, and in turn aggressive towards those who feel it is their job to tell them what they can and cannot do/wear/say. They are afraid to speak out, and be labelled a "white supremacist" or member of the "alt right".

The bottom line is this. Limiting people's freedom of expression is dangerous, regardless of intentions, and it often has unintended consequences. If we are all to move past this time of high tensions, we need to come together as a people. Exploring each others cultures can be a good thing if we allow it to be.


This is a divide and conquer strategy by the Zionist. Read the book The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. It reads like a book of Prophecy because nearly everything in there is already happened. They tell us how they're going to destroy our society with pornography and degeneracy. It's happening in Hollywood and every television commercial. They're also going to divide people by race, class, sexual orientation to have them fight each other. It's everyone against straight white males. White people are only 7% of the Earth's population. First they take 93% of the non white population and convince them to hate white people. Then they take the white population and divid it against themselves. So we see white liberals, gays, trans, and feminist all against straight white males. Straight white males are the last group of resistance to tne NWO strategy of One World Government. They're already feminizing men by putting estrogen in the plastics that are used in food and beverage containers. Stop white genocide! It's okay to be white. Whites are the minority. Where is protected status for white people? This is no joke. When the Baby Boomers die off the white population drops to 3.5% of the world's population. We are one step away from Extinction. And it's all being done by design.

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