SAY NO to Hillary vs. Trump: The real election is between Gary Johnson and Jill Stein!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I am loathe to get political. It is just such an ugly topic that brings out the tribalism in people. How tiresome are those people who post nothing but partisan political cartoons, insults and memes on their Facebook pages? Those people who turn every conversation into a discussion of the evils of liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism or whatever else.

But it has been said that you'd better take an interest in politics, or it will take an interest in you. We're subject to this system, so it behooves us to pay attention and give some thought to how we might steer the future in a favorable direction. Right now, the two officially sanctioned "directions" being offered to us are both roasted dog shit.

Fucking blonde haired, blue eyed, children of the corn lookin' motherfuckers. So overtly evil that both of them have been condemned by voting members of their own respective parties to an unprecedented degree. That's heartening if you ask me. It's something Republicans and Democrats can agree on for the first time in ages. "This choice blows". Neither is happy with their candidate and the fact that this is the "choice" being foisted on us only calls into question how much influence we ever had in determining who our party's candidate would be.

I was a Bernie man until he disappointed me by rolling over for Hillary. His reasoning is a mystery to me. He's an old man who likely won't get another chance at this, surely it would have been better to fight it out to the end? Nobody wants President Trump, he's everybody's playground bully armed with billions of dollars and now possibly political office as well. But Hillary is exactly, to a T, the sort of sociopathic establishment politician that we've been saying we've had enough of for decades.

This must be the election where all of us, regardless of past affiliation, finally put our collective foot down and tell the two party system to go fuck itself. Never before have voters from both parties been so united in their feelings of alienation and betrayal. Now is the time to remember that we truly have other options. We just have to be brave enough to take them.

Gary Johnson, as a Libertarian, is ideologically closer to the views of the founding fathers than any Republican has been in many decades. He has some proposals that you're likely to find objectionable that stem from his minarchist (minimal government) views, but also a very lax, permissive approach to issues like drugs, gay marriage and religious freedom you may find intriguing and appealing. It's a mixture we haven't really tried before, not to the extent of putting a Libertarian in the white house. Perhaps this is the time to give it a shot? It cannot possibly be worse than Trump. If you're a Republican, Johnson should be your man for 2016.

Jill Stein has the classical Liberal worldview most Northern and city dwelling Americans now identify with, but she is sincere about it, principled, and emotionally invested in the humanitarian side of it. This is not a cold, calculating politician like Hillary. She cares about the working poor, the marginalized, the disabled and elderly. Her environmentalism is not a political maneuver but born out of appreciation for the beauty of nature and desire for our grandchildren to be able to enjoy it as we do.

She has some nutty views about vaccines and disputed health effects of short range radio like wifi. Like Johnson she isn't perfect and has some rough edges. But there can be no serious argument that she isn't a vastly better than Hillary. If you're a Democrat, Jill Stein deserves your vote.

Trump assumes Republicans will vote for him no matter what he says or does, just to fuck Democrats. He takes Republican support for granted even as more and more fall away, alienated by his crass stupidity, fake Christianity and total isolation from the average man's day to day experience.

Hillary assumes she has every Democrat's vote in the bag. She thinks you'll vote for her just to avoid a Trump presidency, and once in office, she'll do whatever she pleases regardless of campaign promises. Each uses the other to exert leverage on voters to make us consolidate behind one of them out of hatred of the other.

We always bitch and moan about how the two party system is set up to manipulate us this way. But when it comes down to it in the polling booth, we still overwhelmingly vote in a fearful tribalistic way, perpetuating the system we claim to hate. This MUST be the year that we actually live our principles and finally prove to the candidates chosen for us, not by us, that we won't obediently fall in line and do what they expect this time.

They're playing us off each other. Each uses the other to channel people into two diametrically opposed, hate fueled tribes, ignoring the other far superior options out there. If you're reading this, when I say we all have to actually, truly buck the two party system this year, I mean you too.

Johnson isn't perfect. You won't get everything you want from him because he isn't an extremist. He has varied, nuanced positions like an actual reasonable, thoughtful human being. Likewise with Jill Stein. These are real people, not larger than life, plastic cartoon characters like Hillary and Trump. So there will be things about them you like and things you don't, but either would represent a larger percentage of the US public than Hillary or Trump.

More of us can win when we don't insist that it means everybody else loses, besides which the perfect should not be the enemy of the good. That they aren't your ideal dream candidate shouldn't prevent you from taking this opportunity, where parties outside the Republican/Democrat false dichotomy are this publically visible, talked about, competent, put-together and human, to make a real difference with your vote. A vote which doesn't reinforce the prevailing system but undermines it, unravels it, to make these other superior choices truly viable not only for this election but all elections after it.


Jill deserves more attention! I am tired of people giving up and subscribing the the rigged two party system.

Yep we don't have to. Our job was never to pick the winning team. It was to pick the representative who best represents us. If the person that best represents most of the U.S. Population is Hillary OR Trump then we've got bigger problems to worry about.

2016 has paved the way for a 3+ party system in 2020. I expect the Green party to be better organized and start off stronger the next time around. There is going to be a max exodus of the Democratic party if Hillary is elected. Bernie has paved the way and unless we see a huge turnaround of the Dems in the next 4 years, progressives will flood to the Green party. The establishment politicians who took over the Democratic party will insure this.

for the first time in my life I am hearing a substantial number of people saying what I've said (and been mocked for) for over 20 yrs!!
Never vote R or D ever, they got us here, they won't get us out.

I think there is a huge portion of people like you here. One of the creators is along these lines. Tons of Libertarians, Anarchists (of several types). It kind of makes sense as this is the most active group of people that are anti-central bank, supporters of crypto-currency for reasons other than just financial, and big on the entire censorship and hate of our government. This will change as more REGULAR people join us.

Thanks for writing this. I actually wrote something similar, though a very different approach. I think it was one of the better things I had written. I had all the text in and formatted. I hadn't backed it up anywhere. Went to add images and the editor locked up so bad the only way I could even get it to do anything was to delete cookies and cache, restart machine, etc.

It was all lost... and I was in the ZONE. I don't know that I could rewrite what I wrote then so I haven't.

I'm glad YOU said something like this post though.

That's sweet. Wow though, what a fucking shitshow this election is shaping up to be. If we seriously wind up with Trump or Hillary I'm gonna invest in a subterranean bunker and ride it out.

I think Hillary was picked before this episode of the "Show" ever began. I've often wondered if Trump was a plant. They needed someone crazy like Trump so they could convince people who really don't like her to vote for her because they are afraid of Trump.

This is speculation, but it'd be a smart strategy. Not to mention she should have been in jail years ago.

Steemit makes me feel like an arch conservative who thinks walking upright is newfangled and liberal. I don't think the elections are rigged, and when forced to choose between Trump and Hillary, the choice is easy for me, Trump is absolutely fucknuts and I feel pretty good in that context about voting for Hillary. Am I the only one here who feels that way?

Editted: because I want to stop my nasty habit of double posting when I don't feel sufficiently clear.

There are all types of people on Steemit. Just because you have faith that a blockchain currency could be great doesn't mean you're not a racist climate change denier like probably many of Trump's supporters.

In terms of the vote for the lesser evil situation I hate that it's even a thing as the whole concept of voting for a lesser evil seems like such a silly compromise when its so widespread that it shouldn't be this way. I do not think Hillary or Donald should have been allowed, or deemed legitimate enough (thanks a lot establishment media) to run at all. However, (and although officially I don't support either one) I do believe Trump would be the safer option for American's as long as there is independent oversight and restriction if he tries to ramp up airstrikes in the MidEast. Sure he has a history of having very rudely coloured principles, but at least by now we know those are the cons when you vote for him and can hope that no AG or Judge or cop would abide or allow any sort of mass deportation/discrimination bill. With Hillary, we'll get the type of action Trump has been cheering for anyways but out of nowhere and super manipulatingly. Voting for Hillary to "attempt to preserve the sanity of the Oval Office and to avoid a racist pres" is voting for multinational corps to decide what sort of policies America will be pushing these next four years, and moreover directly feeding into the corporate fear tactics.

Lawful evil is not meaningfully better than chaotic evil.


If I say "I'm going to have sex with your spouse" or I just go have sex with your spouse.

Which would bother you more?

Trump at this point is a big pot of smelly WORDS. That's all. Anything we say he will do when he is in office is speculation. Most of his words are meaningless as to what he can actually do. Yet that is true of Hillary, she's literally supported every position that you can even those that contradict each other. This too is not unusual. It is the status quo for the politicians that typically get elected. They usually do things VERY different from what they said when campaigning. So this tells me I literally only know one certainty about Trump if he is president. He will say a lot of really stupid things. The rest I literally have no clue and am speculating. I'm speculating he'd be pretty bad.

Hillary on the other hand. I've researched the shit out of her. She is perhaps the most corrupt person I've ever seen run for office. There is just so much she has done wrong, and illegal going all the way back as far as 1974 and Watergate...
Furthermore she is ACTIONS not words. Her actions have been BAD, STUPID, and as you put it... FUCKNUTS. Her words sound flowery and are what some people want to hear, next time they'll be targeted better. Her actions though are HORRIBLE.

Personally people can say they are going to FUCK my wife all they want. It ain't going to happen. I'd be far more concerned about the person that actually does it (if they are not me).

Also... you mentioned civility and being able to talk about politics. I agree with you. I haven't called you stupid or implied that you are. In fact I don't even think that. I just think we disagree. So if you want to keep it that way keep the smack talk "walking upright is newfangled and liberal" out of it because it is people that think those things that need to look in the mirror. NOW I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt because this is a passionate topic. We all do crap like that. Yes, I do to. If someone points it out I apologize. I have been researching Hillary since around 2008. I didn't know much about her before that. Actually I thought she was way cool because when I was younger I really supported Bill Clinton as president. So I am not just paying attention to TRUMP and others. I am paying attention to things that have happened outside of the election cycle too.

What do you think that while she was Secretary of State the position that was supposed to monitor her department for corruption remained empty for the 5 years she was there. That is just one of HUNDREDS of things. She is extremely corrupt, and without a doubt a criminal for many things beyond emails.

Nesting limit - Nice D&D reference. :) Yours was shorter than mine and better.

Very nice content! Keep doing this :)

I love talking politics, not being insulting to other people, but asking questions, giving my opinions, seeing what the pushback on those opinions is, diving into ideas.
Unfortunately I have to disagree with you. This election, like it or not, and most of us don't, is between Clinton and Trump. Johnson and Stein, imo, won't get five percent combined on election day.
I think everyone who is a realist and believes elections matter needs to make a descision between which two of these people they want for president.
You get an upvote and a follow for damn good prose.

No they don't. Some of us don't see a difference between the two. The job of a U.S. Citizen is not to pick a winning team. It is to pick the person that best represents you. The only way we do a bad job is when we don't elect someone that represents us. That is the only TRUE case of throwing your vote away.

If no one represents you. Don't vote. If Jill Stein, and Gary Johnson represent you better elect one of them.

I didn't say they would win. That is not our job. This is not a sporting event.

EDIT: In fact I've been saying Clinton was going to be elected no matter what for about 9 months. Not happy at all about it but it was pretty clear by quite a few indicators. I wouldn't be happy with Trump either, but he's all words at this point.. no clue what he would be like other than stupid. Hillary I know what she's like and she is bad news, but I won't vote for them. Lesser of two evils doesn't work, it hasn't made things better when that has always been the excuse.

EDIT 2: Also, you don't really need to listen to me. I'm an Anarchist. I only get involved because though I wish the government didn't exist, it does, so I must still try to make decisions that I can.

I absolutely agree with you that your job as a citizen who buys into the process is to vote for the person you think would make the best president, according to whatever huristic you've constructed for yourself. Out of the four people who get talked about for me, that's Hillary. But I'm also making another calculation, which is that unlike any other candidate I've lived to see run, contemplating a Trump presidency genuinely scares the shit out of me, in a totally nonironic unexadurated way. And so I get edgy when I ear people talking about voting third party because I'm picturing a nightmare sinario where Johnson and Stein take votes away from Clinton so that Trump wins. For me Trump winning would be the only truly bad outcome. I can deal with business as usual, which is what I think Clinton and Johnson wins would entail.

Don't worry. Trump won't win. Hillary was going to win before this all started.

EDIT: And yes, I can see why people would be scared of Trump if they are scared of words. I'm more scared of actions and Hillary's actions when she's been in positions of authority have been downright scary. I'm not talking campaign mode. I'm talking Secretary of State, Senator, First Lady, Attorney on Watergate Commission, Governor's Wife, etc. I've looked into ALL of that time and there is just so much. There is so much it is hard to even keep it all in my memory. Certain ones stick and are remembered strongly but the list is friggin immense.

That scares me. Though I can't say Trump wouldn't be just as bad. He certainly is an idiot when it comes to speaking.

If you've been following Hillary as long as I have I truly wouldn't be surprised if Trump was a plant. I'm not saying he is, but it'd be a damn smart move because most people don't like Hillary. They are mostly considering her because they are afraid of the things Trump says. The media also slams you with it over and over.

If Trump wins... you can tell me "I Told you So" because, I truly do not think it will happen. I'm 95% certain Hillary was chosen at the outset, thus why all the collusion in the DNC against Bernie. Thus, why she can get away with crimes that others cannot.

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