Unfairness of tax cuts for the rich explained in beer

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The title of this blog can be interpreted in two different perspectives. This video will explain which interpretation is correct.

One perspective is that tax cuts for the rich are unfair for everyone else and therefor we should tax the rich more than the everyone else. The other perspective is that egalitarianism is something only ignorant people think is correct.


Oh how correct Thatcher was every single point she made and I love the British parliament at that time. Nothing like that now. They don't joke and smile at each other any more:


Looking back, Britain was a much more lovely culture then. What happened? (Ditto the USA is like a Frankenstein now).

Take the time to watch that short video. So nice to see.

They respect her. You can see it.

you can see she was their mama, now they are lost children

Good point!

I wrote on Medium:

If you want the country to be less polarized then stop writing, talking, and thinking about politics and social issues. And pursue a vocation that produces something other than polarization. Why does Medium send this shit to my email?

Civil rights is the way we treat each other. We teach that in the way we parent. But if we let the schools teach it, then they teach the kids this social justice warrior "hold up a sign" for powers-that-be who divide-and-conquer stuff. Detracts them away from the realism of being productive with their life and taking personal self-responsibility. They then feel entitled by social justice to blame society instead of looking at what they can personally do in reality of their daily life. Because holding up sign doesn't do anything other than empower those whose profit by dividing-and-conquering us. In 1990 for the Ross Perot campaign I went door-to-door just talking to strangers in Westlake Village, CA. I realized then that it's all about our culture, not about what an election can do. Culture can't be taught top-down because then it becomes a tool of manipulation by those at the top.

George Carlin summarized this well:

Take student loans for example. I believe it was Clinton and Obama who made these non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, thus trapping our youth in debt-slavery and sending them to schools to learn to hold up a sign about social justice. A college degree doesn't guarantee a job. Same as for housing, loans pull income forward making everything more expensive. Those who profit are the those who have money to loan and who can buy up everything for pennies-on-the-dollar when they debt bubble collapses in Minsky Moment deflation —i.e. the powers-that-be.

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