Stupid authoritarian talking points related to the Coronavirus

in #politics4 years ago


Most of the politicians and "experts" on TV keep saying that it's too soon to lift the stay-at-home orders imposed by most states across the US. First of all, these governors and other politicians never had the right to force people to stay at home and businesses to shut down. Calling something a "law" or "emergency power" doesn't give someone the right to control society in whichever way he or she wants; nothing does.

Keep in mind that these same politicians and experts from the government are the same people who claimed that their models initially predicted 100,000 - 240,000 deaths in the U.S. even with these extreme measures, and over two million deaths without them. Then they lowered the projections to 84,000 after we began practicing social distancing. And now it's 60,000.

Just around a week or two ago, the governor of NY kept saying how the peak was probably going to hit at the end of April. These past few days we have been seeing more and more numbers suggesting that the peak is already here, and that the number of cases will most likely continue to go down. This proves how even the experts can't accurately predict exactly how the Coronavirus will affect the U.S., because it's impossible with an event spread out all across a country as diverse as the U.S.

What is clear is that the initial numbers were a drastic overestimation, and that we shouldn't base our decisions solely based on models that can hardly offer an accurate picture of the situation. It also doesn't help when the media has been covering this story literally non-stop for over a month now, making it appear as if it's a much bigger event than it actually is.

Of course it's tragic that thousands of people have been killed by the virus, but the vast majority of cases are either mild, moderate, or don't even cause symptoms. However, you should still practice social distancing and take precautions such as wearing masks and washing your hands frequently, along with disinfecting whatever you buy. While this virus isn't extremely deadly, it's definitely worse than the regular flu, but that doesn't mean that politicians should shut everything down and prevent us from leaving our own damn homes.

Judging from the way these politicians and even some experts are talking, it seems their logic is that until the number of cases and deaths go down to zero, it's still too soon for things to resume normally, because there could be another surge. If it were up to them, they'd probably shut everything down permanently with the excuse that they're just trying to prevent the next pandemic. Fine, I'm being sarcastic, but only somewhat. Too many people view extreme and authoritarian measures by the government as solutions instead of what they are: a violation of our basic rights, and this mentality is what allows governments to become oppressive.

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