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RE: What would Smart Ballots and Kamikaze voters mean to Democracy?

in #politics8 years ago

My brilliant friend used anarchy at the end
Did you not mean chaos since you are an anarchist
This is meant as a correction and not to offend
Contrary to my name I too am an anarchist

You have spun voting in a very deep and meaningful way
This leaves me with not much left to add or much left to say
On this I now must wander off and have some serious think
If I don't then the swirling CHAOS in my head will cause me to drink

I am interested how this will all play out for steemit
I know you are pondering various ways indeed to fix it
It being the voting and the negative perceptions it may cause
Replacing it with something that may enable tensions to thaw


Sometimes my alter-ego above can say some deep things in rhyme. Sometimes that is no easy task. Especially with how quickly I attempt to respond.

What I was getting at was simply that Anarchy is often confused with being the same thing as Chaos. As an Anarchist descending into anarchy is a good thing. :) Descending into Chaos is a completely different story.

then we would end up in complete anarchy as no law could pass

Though that is being nit picky and technically even if you leave anarchy your sentence could be true, for what is a "Law" in Anarchy other than Natural Law?

VERY VERY good post. Very deep, incredibly well thought out. I don't know that I've ever seen someone so thoroughly dissect voting. You have given me a lot to think about and I may have to read that a few more times.

Haha wow, you must be one of the first novelty accounts I've seen around here. Awesome poetry!

Thanks. I did it on a whim one day and it just sort of fit.
It kind of flipped a switch and unleashed something.
Whether that is good or not is still up for debate.
I do think there can be too much of a good thing so I try to limit how much I post each day with him.

What is really sad is I am REALLY long winded. There are a few cases where the poetry that just kind of spontaneously came out was a better and more well thought out response than anything I could write as the person I really am. :)

So I think I'll keep him around. There are some truly awesome poets on steemit. They put a lot more work into their work than I do these quick responses.

It is the spontaneous nature I am curious about. It makes me think things I might not if I had time to overthink it.

Yes it is weird too. Yet my introductory post announced I am a weird person. ;)

They put a lot more work into their work than I do these quick responses.

They probably do and they probably make blogposts about it. But for quickly coming up with it, it was pretty good, and very fitting as a comment!

I can't wait for @drawsyourcontent, @readsyourcomment with a soundcloud player in the comment or something similar. There are many opportunities for some quality content through novelty accounts, can't wait to see more of them! :)

Someone responded to my poem with a poem once and I thought "Wow! this guy is good" and thought I might have to hang up my hat and let them take over. It turns out they'd simply copied some text from a South Park episode and pasted it in response to me. :) If they are going to use South Park to talk to me... I'm all for that!

Do it. Become one of those people. :)

Yeah it is surprisingly quite fun to try to come up with poems fast that are relevant to the conversation. So far my favorite one is one where I managed to hold a conversation across three posts about crypto currency versus the US dollar (fiat) and the corruption and history of the federal reserve. That one I went back and read and thought "where the hell did that come from?" That's pretty fun, and exhilarating when something like that happens.

Haha, south park is awesome. But I feel people could at least use > to or " to show its a quote from somewhere when responding that way.

Maybe even adding a small picture in the comment related to it would also be awesome to see more of in general.

They included a picture from the episode which is the only reason I thought to go do a search.

Oh and thanks... novelty accounts sounds so much better than WEIRDO. :)

I think imo ofc the term anarchy is equated to chaos but couldnt be further from the truth but we all interpret reality in dif ways

Anarchy and chaos were roofied by the state
They got involved some photos, it was too late
Now the hijacked word has been pointed
They want you to believe the state is anointed

The state has fun with hijacking words
Do you expect more from the repulsive turds?

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