How Big Oil Conquered the World

in #politics8 years ago

From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who helped shape that world, and how the oil-igarchy they created is on the verge of monopolizing life itself.

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Oil. From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not effected by the petrochemical industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world.

Parts of that story are well-known: Rockefeller and Standard Oil; the internal combustion engine and the transformation of global transport; the House of Saud and the oil wars in the Middle East.

Other parts are more obscure: the quest for oil and the outbreak of World War I; the petrochemical interests behind modern medicine; the Big Oil money behind the “Green Revolution” and the “Gene Revolution.”

But that story, properly told, begins somewhere unexpected. Not in Pennsylvania with the first commercial drilling operation and the first oil boom, but in the rural backwoods of early 19th century New York state. And it doesn't start with crude oil or its derivatives, but a different product altogether: snake oil.

“Dr. Bill Livingston, Celebrated Cancer Specialist” was the very image of the traveling snake oil salesman. He was neither a doctor, nor a cancer specialist; his real name was not even Livingston. More to the point, the “Rock Oil” tonic he pawned was a useless mixture of laxative and petroleum and had no effect whatsoever on the cancer of the poor townsfolk he conned into buying it.

He lived the life of a vagabond, always on the run from the last group of people he had fooled, engaged in ever more outrageous deceptions to make sure that the past wouldn't catch up with him. He abandoned his first wife and their six children to start a bigamous marriage in Canada at the same time as he fathered two more children by a third woman. He adopted the name “Livingston” after he was indicted for raping a girl in Cayuga in 1849.

When he wasn't running away from them or disappearing for years at a time, he would teach his children the tricks of his treacherous trade. He once bragged of his parenting technique: “I cheat my boys every chance I get. I want to make ’em sharp.”

A towering man of over six feet and with natural good looks that he used to his advantage, he went by “Big Bill.” Others, less generously, called him “Devil Bill.” But his real name was William Avery Rockefeller, and it was his son, John D. Rockefeller, who would go on to found the Standard Oil monopoly and become the world's first billionaire.

The world we live in today is the world created in "Devil" Bill's image. It's a world founded on treachery, deceit, and the naivety of a public that has never wised up to the parlor tricks that the Rockefellers and their ilk have been using to shape the world for the past century and a half.

This is the story of the oiligarchy.



Thanks for this video James. Im surprised so few people watched it here, ashame

Yea, but nearly half a million have watched it on youtube since it went up just 8 months ago, and I have no idea how many more watched it, listened to it, or read the transcript on James's own site. It would be kinda nice to have even more people see it, but this is hardly a huge failure to get the word out; many of the people who may otherwise have seen it here probably didn't simply because they recognized the link as being for a video they'd already seen elsewhere. We should probably wait for several videos that come out here simultaneously with other releases (several to avoid getting overly discouraged by endpoint behaviour) before we go drawing too many conclusions about the traffic rate on them.

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Nice to see that The CorbettReport on Steemit, Welcome James

This is good news, James Corbett is just as far reaching as The Dollar Vigilante but in slightly different verticle! Steem is STEEMING ON! Loving it. This will bring more proper news reporting. Welcome @corbettreport you're a champion for truth and justice worldwide.

James, it's great to see you here, man. Steemit can really benefit from your awesome content, not to mention your more than 150K Corbett Report supporters. I'm really looking forward to seeing you get established on this deserve way more than what YouTube is giving you.

For anyone wondering, I verified by email that this is actually James's account.

Well, actually YouTube is giving me zero since I don't monetize my videos. But yeah, thanks for the kick in the behind to get me here.

OK, one final "kick in the pants:" I hope you're making a video to let your supporters know that you're here!

Awesome work appreciate it =0)

So glad to see you have also joined. That's fantastic.

I am sorry I could upcote you here only once and not 10,000 times. Your research is superb, but even more amazing is how you put this all together in one breathtaking narrative. I have two questions. (1) At the end of the video you imply that the oligopoly-cartel is looking to control our entire lives. What do you exactly mean by that? (2) Don't you think that there are many positive signals lately that this oligopoly-cartel is losing control rather than gaining more? I believe that the spread of information will slowly erode the power of monopolists like Rockefeller. Perhaps it will take a long time and a few more crises and wars. But it seems to me that we are entering in an era of greater freedom and inventions which have the potential of set people free and more aware. I would love to read your thoughts on this. Thank you again 10,000 times!

This video is EXCELLENT James. I love sharing this video to everyone I meet. I learn so much and appreciate all you do to wake up people indoctrinated into the matrix since childhood....myself included.

Well done. A must watch.

One of Corbett's finest documentaries. You think you know it all - then you hear James.

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