Do centralized pyramid style organizations favor psychopaths?

in #politics7 years ago

What is a psychopath?

Psychopaths are individuals incapable of empathy, remorse, guilt, and to be diagnosed as a psychopath requires meeting criteria from the checklist.

Hare Psychopath Checklist:

  • grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
  • need for stimulation
  • pathological lying
  • cunning and manipulativeness
  • lack of remorse or guilt
  • shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
  • callousness and lack of empathy
  • parasitic lifestyle
  • poor behavioral controls
  • sexual promiscuity
  • early behavior problems
  • lack of realistic long-term goals
  • impulsivity
  • irresponsibility
  • failure to accept responsibility for own actions
  • many short-term marital relationships
  • juvenile delinquency
  • revocation of conditional release
  • criminal versatility

The Hare Psychopath Checklist is one of the methods used to identify a clinical psychopath. Other methods in addition to the Hare checklist include using FMRI brain scan to determine if a person is capable of feeling empathy. Psychopaths are incapable of feeling empathy and the brain of a psychopath is wired in such a way where empathy simply does not register and this can be seen because the portion of the brain associated with feeling empathy never lights up. In addition psychopaths do not process fear in the normal way and this can also be detected in a brain scan.

Dr. Katherine Horton in her video claims:

  • Psychopaths treat other people as objects.
  • Psychopaths have a need for control over others.
  • Psychopaths use enablers.
  • Most old style organizations are captured by psychopaths.

How many centralized top down pyramid style organizations are already captured by clinical psychopaths?

Old style organizations typically give lots of power to people at the top. Clinical psychopaths are attracted to positions of absolute power and will seek out these positions at the top. If a person is naturally seeking to be in these positions of great power then it is important to question why that person wants to be in that position. People who are not psychopaths often do not want to be in positions of power because of the responsibility that goes with it but a psychopath will enjoy being in this position rather than stressed out by the responsibility.

In prison populations around 20% of prisoners are said to be psychopaths and Robert Hare has stated around 50% of violent crimes are committed by psychopaths. So psychopaths are naturally suited to doing violence and because psychopaths have difficulties with morality it is also true that prisons have a high percentage of psychopaths. We also have to consider not all psychopaths end up in prison and many psychopaths are the successful variety and it is these psychopaths who might rise to the top of pyramid style organizations.



Reminds me of my ex husband , he was really abusive and use to threaten me . Was choked so many times but God saved me , the flashbacks with fear never end .

I apologize if my blog post triggered anything. It's meant to bring attention to one of the security flaws caused by the human element of centralized pyramid style institutions. Decentralized institutions are interesting because we may be able to bypass a lot of the negative consequences that go along with a psychopath at the top.

No of course not , you are just educating others and God bless you for that

You are not up to date on the subject and just repeating the usual discredited Hare researched. He mixed Narcissists & Sociopaths and Psychopaths all up to together because they appear to have the same traits Duh.. They have some crossover traits but this is for very different reasons. Further Hare's research was conducted in prisons - if you were to research normal people in prisons you would have a very skewed view of what Neurotypicals (normal people) were about. Recent research shows that Psychopaths (as opposed to Narcissistic/ Sociopaths) are LESS likely to be in prison. Psychopaths are NOT represented in professions like law, clergy, teaching, politics these are all NARCISSISTIC professions. And NO your Ex was not a Psychopath because most Psychopaths don't have the emotions to hold down a relationship beyond a week or two.

Sure but prisons are really one of the few places to conduct research where you can see the behavior of the individual 24 hours a day 7 days a week to observe. It's pretty easy to identify who the psychopaths are in prison where everyone is observed continuously but it's not so easy to do so on the outside.

And psychopaths have been known to get married, make children, they just don't do it for the same reasons. Since you are up to date on the latest research please cite your sources? I showed the research I saw but you just say "recent research"?

The Psychology profession could ASK us how we think but they never do. They ignore forums and any form of input, instead opting for the echo chamber of a few chosenites like Hare and his obviously flawed work. This was also the same for Narcissism as Sam Vaknin tells us... In fact with Narcissism they removed it from the DSM-5 manual completely - why when its epidemic? Because the Psychology profession is made up of narcissists and they just vote it out at their annual conference. Vaknin actually listens and aside from being the worlds authority on Narcissism knows quite a lot about Psychopathy, his recent work is quite accurate.

Narcissist/ Sociopaths may have relationships because they have some empathy at least for the person giving them attention. But for us there is nothing there, nothing ever develops the emotion of love is absent like most emotions. Its like trying to have a relationship with a warm shop window dummy.

Psychopathy can be defined as 1) Having a very limited set or emotions & not having any emotional memory. 2) A need to be in control of our environment - and to an extent - including people within that environment, borne out of a distrust in humans due to their personality limitations. Psychopath moto: Control Less You Be Controlled.

We are only interested in humans if we have a purpose for them - aside from that we don't want or need their attention. True, we don't have emotions like regret or remorse or another 60+ and we don't get Pro-Social morals but we do have our own. Statistically we're more likely to come to the aide of a stranger in an emergency than a normal person.,

Sociopath/ Narcissists have ALWAYS been abused in childhood, not so for Psychopaths. Psychopathy genes are likely from Neanderthal DNA.

"Contrary to previous research and media portrayals of homicide perpetration being rooted in psychopathic tendencies such as callous affect, the present findings found no support for such a conceptualization of the crime.

Good for you that you broke away from that. God bless you!

Thank you , God Bless!!

Interesting read, it means that the predators in our society we want to protect ourselves from are most likely our protectors. Well it explains that some very unethical, unjustified things happen in our world. For psychopaths we are just cattle.

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Yes, psychopaths will usually go to the top of the hierarchy. Psycopaths are overrepresented as lawyers, ceos, surgeons, politicians++. Psychopaths have neurological differences in they brain, and psychopaths are not evil per se. One of the main psychopathic traits are fearless dominance, and many politicians, i.e presidents, seem to have this traits. Real psychopaths (not sociopaths) do not feel anxiety and do not have a real, fixed personality. So they are real not human at all. It is very easy to identify psychopaths if you know what to look for. Imho, they are always aware that they are psychopathic them self. Also, psychopaths are much more efficient than normal people, and natural master the art of sprezzatura, i.e. law of least effort. Imho they are almost always more intelligent, at least in high society, and tend to be analytical and good in mathematics. James Fallon is a very typical psychopath. Women seem to be natural attracted to psychopaths, which mean they have good genes. Psychopaths are also very good as keeping infidelity secret. I do not think we can have a system that is not exploited by psychopaths. Then ancient rulers where probably all psychopathic. The interesting questions is: Why do we have psychopaths:)? In the near future, it will be possible to use imaging techniques, such as fMRI, to identify who is psychopathic from an early age.

I think that the pyramidal hierarchies are run by psychopaths. They are ideal structures for the people in control. According to Ronald Bernard, only about 8500 people run the world. And he worked for them. This is an interview that came out about a month ago. Years ago I heard that there are three things that are important to the "illuminati". Hierarchy, symbolism and ritual. Everything the do is a magick working to gain power.

How can I know you arent one? o.o Maybe we all are.

I doubt it will matter since I'm not in a position of power over you or on top of a centralized pyramid style organization. But if I were someone who might be in a position of power over you then in my opinion you have a right to know whether or not I'm a psychopath. In fact, maybe you don't want a psychopath to be in a position of power over you. To take it further, maybe you don't want anyone to be at the top of a pyramid style organization because you recognize the risks it can create for the people at the bottom.

I mean this, says it all.

The one at the top knows everything. Everybody* below is blind. This can only work in a pyramid like structure.
Of course not everybody but those with a need to know. It's slavery 2.0

If we all were then there would be no distinction of what a psychopath is. A psychopath is a point of interest in human society because they do not feel empathy, do not have the same level of emotionality that "normal" people have. By not having empathy they have different strengths and weaknesses, but what is most interesting is when you evaluate how positions of power are mostly occupied by them. To really delve into this and then actually come to terms with this is what this study, and author should further evaluate.

dana is not one.

YEP. I have known several, and they were at the top of the company

How did you survive that? It would make a good blog post. Also it gives a legit security reason for decentralization of organizations.

I once heard a psychopath described as someone who is afraid of everything, and everyone they can not control. I don't know if that is covered in your material, but something about that rang with me

Psychopaths lack the ability to connect and understand others emotional states is the main reason they are so damaging. That natural feeling you get when someone is super happy or super sad without needing to look or observe them is what Psychos lack. In theory it really is a sad state of being. This in turn causes them to never truly connect to others deeply enough and to create meaningful relationships. Narcissistic Psychopaths are the much more dangerous. Believing they are above everything else stacked with no amount of emotional connection is a combo made in hell. All of this allows them to climb over others to get to the top. No doubt a lot of higher ups have a great detachment from humanity to be able to hurt others for personal gain.

I like your screen name. If it means what I think, we have something in common. Strange things come with the deal.

Most type "A" personalities are arguably psychopaths.

Corporations by definition, are sociopathic entities, concerned only with shareholder value by their very design, and nothing more. Growth at the expense of everything else. We are so close to total enslavement, it's unlikely we fix this.

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