The Art Of Persuasion
As I grow older, I become more and more convinced that it is counter-productive to shout at or belittle people, if you want to change their minds. I think, for example, of “radical” vegans who tend to be very shouty and preachy in their approach.
I am on a journey towards eating only plant-based food, but almost every time I encounter a sanctimonious vegan, it makes me want to eat a steak. You too? Well, maybe not, but I am sure you get my drift.
I feel, in my heart of hearts, that if you want to be instrumental in the collective transformation – whether you are a vegan, environmentalist, anti-vaccination or whatever your creed – there must be a more effective way than shouting at people!
Whenever anyone shouts at me, all I think is “fuck off!”
So, what would be a better, softer technique of persuasion? Perhaps, simply, to live by example, but what else? I’d like to hear your thoughts.