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RE: Will "Virtual Rape" be made into a crime?

in #politics7 years ago

as long as you have control of whether you are online or not.
MOST ESPECIALLY if you can conceal your meat-world identity.
then the concept of virtual rape is meaningless.

change the 'channel' or use the ON/OFF switch.
it's that simple.


I believe this is true to some extent, however there’s not really any place on the internet that can guarantee these conditions today. As long as you CAN identify yourself and that’s not illegal there has to be laws protecting you when you have already given out who you are right?

Also the "as long as you have control" implies that only adults being able to consent are able to enter this VR. Even so I expect there will always be something of value in any VR to threaten with as opposed to keeping someone online by force. This of course being more important in the future when the experiences are more realistic.

nope...identified or not.
hang up.
end of problem.

when I was bit a wee lad...I reached for the hot skillet on the stove.
My momma done told me..."don't touch's HOT!"
I touched it anyway...OUCH! "momma it hurt!
"Done told ya" she said to me...

So what do you call people who intentionally place themselves in harms way then complain because they get hurt?

Sorry, if you just avoid any situation of possible threat, where does it end? Next time people say "then do not go jogging alone in the park if you don´t want to get raped" or "do not go to a disco if you don´t want to get knockout drops in your drink". Right does not have to give ground to wrong (in german "Recht muss Unrecht nicht weichen", not sure if translated 100%). Just since it is easy to hang up in VR, doesn´t make the concept of pure avoidance better.

God made man.
Samuel Colt made man equal.
Don't leave home without an equalizer.

If someone has your identity they can threaten you. If that is the case, then it’s not end of problem. Where do you draw your line? If someone uses a gun to threaten you but you can physically move away? Or if someone just uses words that proves they can and probably will harm you if you don’t comply? change the parameters.
Threats are something else.
a credible threat is an assault.
an assault, other than being illegal, justifies retaliation with proportional force.

Fair enough and good to hear that we agree on threats! My pointjust being that in a hyphotetical VR that could interact with your physical senses, threats like these can lead to rape. right?

I might be a dreamer but I don't think we're too far away from making VR close enough to reality for this to become a problem. But while we still can't 'touch' in most VRs today I think you're right that's not a problem now. If you we're only commenting on right now and no plans for the future I think we agree. And of course this is my very personal beliefs on us making faster technological advances than social and that VR could at some point become even completely indistinguishable from reality.

Hope you don't feel like I just changed the parameters again I'm just trying to take the discussion further because I felt that's what the original story was about, predicting the future a bit. Thank you for answering!

You draw the line between reality and non reality - It very very simple.

concepts, and dealing in reality are completely different things.

I can stab you a million times in a game - you don't die.

In the real world, these actions have very different results.

The sooner we stop trying to bring virtual anything, into real life, - skin and bones - the sooner we back out this madness.

Another aspect of the insanity, made sane by the cultural marxist push of the last 40 years.

non reality is reality???

What next?- there are 90 genders......oops, been done...

I see your point and admit to being a bit of a dreamer. My beliefs are actually that it wouldn't be impossible in the future to create a 'non reality' that's just like reality.(In fact, I think it sounds reasonable to believe we're actually part of a really advanced kind of VR already.. which I understand might sound crazy but maybe you'll stumble over that theory again some day.)

However I don't really see the need for making death in VR lead to physical death outside, like in The Matrix, so hopefully murder wouldn't be possible. Everything ells that we would probably want to have we would have. Maybe we would want to be able to choose what we want to do and feel and how much of that to show others? Maybe even be able to choose to die? In that case you can always threaten someone for these things.

But this is just my predictions. Not any political stance, in fact I kind of agree we have to back out of this madness. Atleast move on with way more caution because virtual everything will become a lot more real anyways even if my 'crazy' scenarios won't come true, unless we really try to prevent it. Maybe we should, but i suspect that's going to be hard. Hope you don't mind my essay.. I just find the topic interesting.

It's true - the confusion in delineation between what is real, and accepting non real -as real, is a form of insanity .

Yea I guess my perspective kind of implies that we might by that definition be insane..

I just like to question everything and I think that we can find some real truths by sometimes considering that it would be really hard to tell if everyone are victims of the same kind of insanity. Again, I just like to consider this as a possibility. Thank you for your perspective!

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