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RE: Should gene editing technology be used to remove the violent predisposition?

in #politics7 years ago

Apply this to Planned Parenthood and abortion, and the revolting fact that for centuries its been a room of old men deciding what is legal and illegal for individuals (females) to do with their own bodies.

I agree with Valor, it's awesome in theory, just like how AI could maybe solve a bunch of problems that plague a vast majority of people but is most likely going to be used to benefit the elite until civics & governance catches up with technology.


This is the exact same argument I'm using here. People, children, who have discovered they have the genes to make it easy for them to be extremely violent, should in my opinion have the option to shut these genes off, if the technology exists to do so.

Gene editing exists, so the technology allows it. Yet no one discusses it, and so people are expected to basically live their lives with a clear genetic predisposition which could put their lives at risk or their freedom at risk? I don't get it.

Yes it is true that the genes do not determine outcomes. Some kids have these genes and never become violent as adults. But this is a matter of stats and probabilities. DIY gene editing (biohacking) is not something only for the elite, I mean the genome sequencing still is because it costs around $1000 but the price is coming down very fast and eventually all of us will have our genes sequenced for nearly free. What to do then?

Technology & Science has led us to a spiritually dead world of comfort, meaninglessness and stupid people.

It is human nature to be curious and to learn more, however, gene editing is a step too far in the wrong direction.

Cannot forbid people to learn more tho, so it will never stop till the masturbatory western civilization destroys itself (which it is already doing).

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