
Its all the left has going for them atm.

Part of it too is that "traditional" media is clearly dying. A youtuber will get 1 million views for a single person, while CNN, or WRJ or some other media giant would be happy to even get 500k views for the entire organization. They are trying to do whatever they can to stay relevant and attract attention. Smear campaigns, lying, whatever!

Not at all. Trump keeps doing it to himself. Trump is the one that keeps this narrative going.

Trump is not doing anything to himself. He's the smartest guy in the room. The more he hits, the more they bleed. The aging Barbie and Ken just got slapped (a tiny bit) and now they are crying like they were beaten. The problem with the whole liberal media is that they don't realize that half the country enjoys seeing them get their butts kicked. They talk big and bully their way around but when they get "B" slapped just a little bit, they cry fowl. At least they didn't spend the weekend talking about how unfair it is that the sanctuary cities wont receive my tax paying dollars to protect hardened criminals . And to be clear here, I think a person who illegally enters our country is a lawbreaker (criminal) and one who continues to do so, is a hardened criminal. Notice not one of the "major" news organizations covered the injustice of San Franscisco taxpayers having to pay an illegal (criminal) $190 grand. At best some of the late night talk show "comedians" joked about it. YOu might think making fun of Trump is funny, but believe me, he "ain't no joke" He's the fighter that this old viet nam vet is proud to say got my vote.

LOL you are just proving the point.

He's just another puppet. By now he's been sat down and been given the "talk."

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