Trumps International trip sparks many discussions

in #politics7 years ago

I rarely discuss politics or climate change in my blogs. This last election cycle made me trim a good 1/3 off my Facebook flist because I got sick of Trump supporters and all the hate and angry meme's, but today, I babbled out a long response to someone's post. I felt the need to share it on my own blog.

I'm not so sure any human action can stop the climate changes of the problems we're facing this thaw season is the that mat of filth that the early industrial age laid down on the the polar icecaps is once again exposed, though now the thaw season is longer and a tad warmer, so the melt effect is greater still. That said...I think if we as western modern electric powered people became less dependent on middle-eastern oil, continue developing native resources and green generators we might finally end the reign of Shaws and Shieks and Kalifs . These sorry little Muslim nations can develop proper republics, come to grips on population control and step into the current modern era along with us and stop being so jealous of our "wealth". We, as westerners, are just a little better at supporting all members of society and we attempt to be more inclusive of fundamental fools and separatists, just kinda ignore their cult-ish ways and hope they do no harm to the rest of society. Yes, we need to keep funding the CIA, FBI, MI5, Mossad and Interpol and any of these other policing agencies that try and control this terrorist chaos. I wish we didn't have to. I wish we were already living in StarTreks' Federation were peace and equity and science rule. Where the basic resources of life are shared freely and classic institutions like family, education and religion were updated to make sense in a changing world were most folks make it to octogenarian years in decent health and vitality. It's just a around the corner ...for all 7+billion of us could happen!!!