Social Justice Warriors are trying to target and smear gamers again for profit

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

So Sargon of Akkad recently posted a video where he went through some of the things that were being said about gamers by this ridiculous NBC 'mini-documentary' I guess we could very charitably call it? Really it is nothing more than a propaganda piece, not just because of NBC news having helped with the making and distribution of this little segment but also with the people involved and they are pretty much everything you'd suspect so I've done a little bit of investigating on them.

If anything, this is an exercise in exactly why you shouldn't post your whole bloody life on social networks and why I like Steemit so much, you can pretty much discredit everything they say in this piece from the meer fact they're quite obviously a bunch of social justice lunatics using NBC as a platform to smear gamers.

So let's check them out, we'll go by order of appearance, what I'm going to be doing is examining their social media accounts and also their past or recently done work in connection with this to see just how biased these people are and holy shit, you will not believe the stuff I am finding.

Melanie Bencosme

So she's apparently the actual creator of this video and got together some of her social justice buddies to go after gamers, as if they didn't learn from gamergate before when they got their arses handed to them. She's had a hand in some other productions as well and I was stumped at some of the ridiculous bullshit she's done.

Of course compared to how she represented gamers, it didn't matter that these people were convicted felons, gotta get those votes am I right? This is actually borderline the kind of shit that the Clinton campaign was getting up to when project veritas was investigating them where they were bussing in voters illegal or otherwise to vote for them. They take advantage of people like this and tell them to vote Democrat.

It seems as long as they want to vote democrat it doesn't matter to Melanie Bencosme who these people are, she's more than willing to look at it positively. Now in regards to the whole felony issue, when it comes to non-violent crime and so on I don't think it's a huge issue letting them vote again, but violent crime? Fuck that, by the way this was just me examining her previous work but more than enough to indicate the types of beliefs and biases she has towards people who disagree with her.

Debbie Rolf

Oddly enough, there isn't much on her, though she is only a narrator so I'm not going to hold her over the flames or anything for just doing a job like that, her main job seems to be as an editor and she has a website showing her work, so let's take a look at that.

...... Hold on a fucking minute.

So let me get this straight, she either video edited or one could potentially assume went to a gamer convention involving league of legends which is supposed to be according to the person she did work for who thinks that gaming is some kind of front for alt-right and KKK neo-nazis? This is one of those moments where you have to stop and think about their actions because these people must know that what they say about gamers and the games industry is 100% bullshit.

According to her twitter she also clearly has gone to conventions before, stereotypically for a feminist dressed as one of the amazons from fucking wonder woman did she encounter some massive swarm of racist neo-nazis at these places? Or could it be that she is just another virtue signaller who is just going along with this shit in order to stay popular and be in with the SJWs? This is why it's such a good idea to research their backgrounds, you get an idea of who is what in these situations and how their backgrounds lead to them believing the things they do, it happens to all of us, but the thing is with the SJWs because they live in these university and media bubbles constantly they never even attempt to challenge their own viewpoints and go to various places that might change their perspectives on life so then they make garbage documentaries smearing people they know are completely normal.

Now we're getting to the more juicy details and you will see why I made this post in the first place, always question the makers of these types of films and documentaries people.

Emma Vossen

She's actually really interesting, her smear against gamers was particularly aggressive by claiming that gaming was "Always racists and always sexist" in the video and I think I may have found the real reason why, it turns out that Emma is a pretty desperate girl when you examine her twitter feed. A stereotypically useless university student who is waiting for her PHD, oddly enough, I can't see much mention of what PHD she is actually going for I may have just missed it due to being lazy but the fact that she so eagerly jumped in on this video to smear gamers given her situation explains a whole lot.

She has clearly gotten a degree in something she regrets doing, she has no choice but to finish it now so she can get the qualifications and not feel like she has wasted her life, except of course she pretty much has and I suspect by the time she's finished graduating she's probably going to be forced to live with her parents so she's trying to get work in places like NBC doing smear campaigns like this with the SJWs. It will most likely let her get work within the media because she toes the ideological line, so it's very easy to see why she is doing this.

She also happens to have a youtube channel which it wouldn't surprise me if she made it in order to try and cash in on some ad money, nothing necessarily wrong with that though it's obviously just something she's put up where she basically rants about all her problems being a university graduate, people aren't going to care about that.

It's interesting to me that the creator of this video chose her, again, it looks as if as long as the people they get toe the ideological line, they will literally get anybody even a university student to act as 'experts' without providing any sources whatsoever to backup their claims, you have to wonder, where the hell are all these evil neo-nazis she kept on talking about? We all know what the internet and gaming is really like, I do especially as a guy making his own game for the first time, people will say dumb shit to each other while they're being competitive, they make up afterwards and get on with their lives, that's how it works and she along with all SJWs don't understand that and take it literally, possibly because they're a bit stupid.

Kishonna Gray

Now this person is particularly interesting, oddly enough, she is an assistant professor, no a full professor mind you, but we know from having studied groups like Antifa that these professors are often the ring leaders of the group. I don't think that the others have enough of a motivation to do this sort of thing and it's very often the professors that are the sort of true believers in the social justice ideology and we've seen from people like the bike lock attacker that they are also generally the most violent.

So here's her work, it's a pretty bad website by the way, looks like something I'd throw together using HTML. Let's examine the language she's using and of course her work, it is all textbook social justice.

I previously served as an MLK Scholar and Assistant Professor at MIT in the Women & Gender Studies Program. Preview more information about this appointment HERE. I have also served as a Faculty Visitor at the Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research (Cambridge).

lol I love that first bit there "I previously served" like she thinks she was fulfilling some kind of civic duty by becoming a assistant professor and scholar, she probably thinks that given the sorts of beliefs she has. She also has a book, as if somehow writing a book automatically means you qualify for appearance on a major news network, well, it looks like it does.

So let's check out some of this stuff she seems to believe, the book is particularly interesting as it seems she is trying to apply her identity politics to gaming culture and that simply doesn't work, because gaming culture is an identity in of itself and goes across all cultures and races which I think is why they end up making up such bullshit about gamers in the first place.

My upcoming book project, tentatively titled "On Being Black And....In Contemporary Gaming Culture: The Journey to Intersectionality"

There is also another book it seems that she has in the works, so this may be an explanation for her motive, doing some advertising are we? Looking to get into the spotlight by bashing gamers? These people just don't fucking learn, she is also somebody who teaches women and gender studies at MIT, so really I think that tells us all we need to know.

Keegan Hanks

This guy is particularly disturbed it seems, if the fact that he writes for Salon didn't give it away this guy literally sees racists and racism everywhere. I don't even know how I can put this even eloquently, the guy is a fucking lunatic. Of course he's going to call gamers racist and claim the culture has a serious problem look at the shit he's writing. He has a particular obsession with watching reddit it seems, convinced despite the fact that the admins and even most of reddit is notorious for being left leaning and are actively trying to stamp out any dissenting thought yet he's convinced they are somehow 'allowing' it all to thrive there.

So my conclusion here, as you might have guessed having read through their profiling, I know there's a hell of a lot there guys but I do my research on these people properly. Is that these are a make up of professional activists who genuinely believe this stuff, namely the assistant and professor and Salon journalist as well as the main creator who is clearly gunning for a job at NBC and then they wrangle in these university students who are looking to make some money on the side or get suckered into the ideology themselves, though it seems most of them are there to make an easy buck because they've picked useless degrees and are struggling.

Do you agree with my assessment of this group trying to target gamers all of a sudden? I think there's a definite profit incentive here, especially with the assistant professor trying to write books on gaming culture and pander to the social justice crowd, let me know what you think.

I may do more of these sort of research posts on groups like this because I have always found them absolutely fascinating as people, if admittedly in a rather morbid way. They seem to always be people who are broken up into two types, those who are in it just to make some easy money bashing people they don't care about and then there are the true believers, the fanatics, who not only profit from their social justice activism they really do see racists everywhere.

Check out Sargon's video below.


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