Why Rid Ourselves Of The US Government pt1 The Drug War

in #politics7 years ago

I previously wrote a series of articles titled The Next American Revolution were I discussed some of the main points we should achieve if we are going to peacefully transition to a stateless society. This article, or possibly series I’m going to discuss some of my observations and reasons for why we need this transition, along with observations of other people. With that being said I encourage everyone to read this with an open mind despite your feelings on the issues being discussed. So, ladies and gentlemen without further ado I give to you, Why Rid Ourselves Of The US Government.

The Drug war

The US for decades now had been embroiled in an endless war against narcotics, gangs and cartels. It has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people, destroyed property, and ruined entire neighborhoods. What the drug war has done is it’s taken control of drug markets out of the somewhat safe open free market and put the drug market in the hands of gangs and cartels. The same thing happened with alcohol prohibition, organized crime in New York, Chicago and other big cities ran a monopoly on the speakeasies and alcohol sales. This gave them a major source of revenue and power. Crime went up, alcohol sales didn’t really go down, and the consumers control over the products they were buying was non existent. This is an almost perfect comparison to what we see today. Only instead of cops running around with little revolvers trying catch moonshiners cops are now rolling through small towns with Armored Personnel Carriers, assault rifles, and SWAT teams. Americans don’t win from prohibition of any kind. Despite this “our” government is more than happy to throw billions after billions to stop drug use.
The war on drugs is also a war on free will. Not necessarily in the obvious violation of the N.A.P. but in a deeper and often misunderstood way. Of the many drugs banned by the US Government psychedelics are the most interesting to me. Ayahuasca. LSD, Psilocybin, DMT, and many others have often been used to heal and expand the minds of the users. These compounds have given users life changing experiences and shaped their consciousness. This is a different type of free will, the freedom of the mind. The legal nature of these drugs prevents us from growing and expanding our consciousness. For this reason the war on drugs is a war on evolution of human consciousness. Now, yes there have been cases of people having negative reactions to these drugs, psychedelics are not a toy and should be taken seriously. But, I is not the responsibility of some drooling bureaucrats to decide if, when or how we will take them. If psychedelics spark your interest than I highly recommend you look into them, despite what the government enforcers say if done responsibly that can have a very positive effect on your life.

Government education, and propaganda has played a major role in the drug war. I everyone new the reality of drugs and now government has stripped us of our freedom and opportunity, the drug war would last about a day before the government was ignored out of power. Government “education” more realistically indoctrination has taught is teaching and will teach millions upon millions of children that drugs are bad and scary and never do drugs. Thankfully do to the internet people are exposed to the truth, in fact almost every single person I know does drugs or really doesn’t care if people do, but that's modern times. Historically indoctrination and propaganda were much more effective. Before the internet the only people telling you about drugs were very anti-drug. There were commercials where famous athletes and pop culture personalities would tell you that drugs are dangerous, and stay away from them. In fact in my lifetime I remember in 5th grade a surprisingly overweight law enforcer came into my class and told us all about the dangers of Marijuana! Hahaha I still laugh at the sheer irony that about two years latter Colorado legalized pot and half the people in my grade were smoking it, thankfully their propaganda has worked on my generation.
digress, in the past programs like D.A.R.E and these anti-drug “public safety” commercials worked very well. In fact people from older generation that I have talked to about the subject became livid when I saw the drug war is a scam, and no matter how much evidence and logical arguments I make they never listen, and respond with anger, crazy accusations, and even VIOLENCE! The way I see cops and politicians have raped the minds of millions of people and therefore are absolute criminals. We must abolish the institutions that facilitate this immoral, and often fatal war on drugs.
Thank you for your time. I hope you have enjoyed this and maybe even learned something from it. This will be a new series so keep your eyes peeled for more segments in the coming days. Again thank you ladies and gentlemen for your time, have I hope you have a wonderful and free afternoon. With that being said, PEACE.

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