Political Correctness. The Deliberate Gagging of a Generation?

in #politics7 years ago

(Image source: https://www.pexels.com)

Over the last few years, I have seen, what was initially, a movement to prevent the use of derogatory terms to spread hate or insensitivity, become a minefield of emotionally charged viewpoints, used as a stick to beat anyone who dares to have a different point of view.

It's no longer a question of referring to someone of race, religion or disability, in an offensive way, but an insidious form of censorship, that threatens to undermine the very principles of freedom of speech.

There will always be people who are narrow minded, bigoted and morally questionable, and it's not unreasonable to challenge them to be more respectful, but have we gone far beyond that into some strange form of Orwellian doublespeak?

It's OK to Disagree.
Whilst entering a debate on a political forum, about the topic of Brexit, I stuck my head above the parapet and politely offered my opinion. I was immediately called a 'thicket', a 'remoaner' and an 'inidiot'. I took no offense to someone having an opposing point of view, that's what healthy debate is all about, I did however, question the need to use such derogatory language. Apparently, according to this rather opinionated individual, this made me a 'snowflake'. I left the debate, feelings unhurt, with a quote from Margaret Thatcher (his heroine), ringing in his ears:

My point is, there's a fine line between common courtesy and political correctness. There's no doubt that in this instance, that derogatory language was used with the intent of silencing an opposing point of view, but crying 'hate speech', would have been a complete overreaction, when a little 'witty banter' can be a far more effective way of making a point.

Why Should We Be Worried?
The very thing that was designed to encourage us to show respect for our fellow human beings, has silenced, intimidated and polarised us. The discussion of important issues such as immigration, economic divides, or social responsibility, has become fraught with the possibility of offending someone somewhere.

There is another side effect, that is cause for concern. Take the subject of sexual assault, for example, this is a very serious issue, that must be addressed. But with the media focussing on women, jumping on the band wagon because someone put their hand on their knee, or shoulder, dilutes the importance of more serious cases and trivialises the whole debate until people get tired of hearing it.

Is this simply a cultural trend, exacerbated by the rise of social media putting, what would have previously been, personal opinions, under the microscope of public scrutiny, or is there something more sinister, underpinning this increasingly polarised debate.

(Image source: https://www.pixaby.com)

Certainly, when you listen to someone like David Icke, it can seem as though, government shills and agent provocateurs are stirring the pot to keep us distracted and controlled, whilst the press and social media deliberately fan the flames; and he does present a rather compelling argument. He may be a controversial figure, who's theories seem to rather stretch credulity, on certain subjects, but this doesn't mean that everything he has to say should be dismissed out of hand.

He's not alone in this opinion either, you only have to go to YouTube, to find a plethora of discussions by everyone from celebrities, comedians and commentators to pundits, professors and journalists, on the insidious nature of this cultural phenomenon.

Does this mean we are being deliberately manipulated by a controlling elite, into silence and compliance? I don't know the answer to that, but nothing would surprise me these days and its hardly beyond the realms of possibility. It certainly would seem to work in the favour of those who would seek to control us and keep us submissive.

Time was, if you were offended by someone's opinion, then that was just life and you agreed to disagree. These days, the fear of being perceived as prejudiced by our peers, means that, often, important things, that need to be talked about, simply get left unsaid.
(Image source: https://www.pixaby.com)-edited

Political Correctness seems to be at odds with Freedom of Speech, and instead of creating a society with respect and tolerance for our differences; allowed to be taken to extremes, it has become another form off oppression, dividing us further and creating the very discord it was designed to prevent.

Are we denying a voice to future generations, by limiting their ability to speak out, through fear of giving offence, or even being offended by an opposing point of view? Or is it more insidious than that? Are we slipping into an Orwellian future, where our personal truths are seen as a threat to the status quo, or a form of political dissidence?

Either way, surely some common sense needs to be brought to bear. After all, respect and courtesy, should be things taught from the cradle, not enforced by an every increasing 'nanny state'. There will always be distasteful elements, but they would gain no ground in an evolved, compassionate society.

What are your thoughts? Is this a natural evolution of modern society or do you think it's a cleverly orchestrated psy op designed to exercise control? Let me know what you think, in the comments below, and as always, thank you for taking the time to read this.


(But Only If You Want To)


It's been an interesting thing, as I get older, that I notice the same things happening over and over again regardless of party or who's in power. It's like they went to the same school or seminar to learn how to use words that say nothing or mean the opposite of what they say, while shouting down dissent with, "You're a racist, bigot, blah, blah, blah!" Or changing the subject by pointing out the foibles and past sins of someone else.

I think we are already in the Orwellian dystopia. I think someone wised up a long time ago (maybe thanks to such books and authors) that you still have to allow a fair amount of freedom, or you get revolutions. So let them have two main parties with the illusion of a major public divide, but make your backroom deals that essentially allow all important matters to head in the same direction, just with a different name tacked onto it, or at nothing more than a slower speed.

Part of the shout down we're experiencing now, though, is everyone on all sides is fed up with being silenced, and they've decided not to take it anymore. So debate has devolved into who can shout the loudest or use the most profanity or fling the most accusations, despite how old the accusations are, let alone if any have any merit. It's all about winning at all costs, not about what's right.

Unfortunately, that means many just overlook the bad things that actually did happen. The pendulum keeps swinging back and forth, but with ever increasing velocity and power.

You are so right, I've been saying for years that we live in an illusion of democracy. "So let them have two main parties with the illusion of a major public divide...". It's not the party that needs to change, but the whole goddam system! As long as there's blame, distraction and propaganda, they'll keep using it.....because it's working. Not for much longer methinks! We just have to stand together and make sure, that our voice is louder than theirs and drown out this silly nonsense!

Excellent post. IMHO all of this is clearly "Social Engineering".
Nothing is organic, everything put deliberately into the minds of society.
Did you ever research the "Frankfurter Schule" or the "Tavistock Institute".
These think-tanks, employing the most brilliant minds of our times do nothing else than to come up with strategies on how to manipulate people. Neil Sanders on youtube is a good start for research 🙂

I have heard of the Tavistock Institute, but will look into the Frankfurter Schule and Neil Sanders. It's strange isn't it, people will freely accept that marketing companies will employ think tanks to get into our psyche, in order to get us to buy, but won't make the inevitable leap, to realise, that are governments would do exactly the same to influence our thinking. For example....the famous comedy 'Yes Minister' was the brainchild of the Tory party, design to deflect blame, and instill a sense of powerlessness.....it worked beautifully.

Exactly. The Media, specially the entertainment industry with it's programming manipulates our minds to a staggering extent. The scary thing is, that it works.

Doesn't it just. Even our outrage is fuelled to keep us confused and focussed away from something else. It's like a fractal.....no beginning and no end, just endless repetitions, creating pretty patterns that hypnotise us.

Yes of course, the old divide and conquer strategy. Keep us dumb and divided so we don't pay attention to what is going on. Meanwhile they poison us...

So true. We've just got to keep questioning and keep pushing back!

Political correctness is iron fascism wrapped in a glove of velvety politeness. It serves to limit expression and limit the scope of the debate. In democracies we often see the allowance of vociferous, loud debate, but ONLY within a certain set of parameters. Go outside of those parameters and people are conditioned to jump all over you (political correctness being one of the tools for this assault.)

In Canada, for example, any criticism of zionism yields immediate cries of anti-semitism. I think it is actually illegal to criticize Islam here, now. People are being threatened with jail sentences for speaking their mind. A properly oriented society would be going the opposite way: welcoming all opinions... perhaps not accepting them, but certainly not too scared to even HEAR them. We can't have that though, because if the average person was ever exposed to what seekers/searchers/conspiracy theorists all know (generally), the control mechanisms would fail.

Hear bloody Hear!!! I absolutely love the "perhaps not accepting them, but certainly not too scared to even HEAR them" comment. If it's not controlled censorship, I'd be very surprised. I try to be rational and not jump to conclusions, but the more I find out, the harder it is not to go outside with a megaphone and shout "WAKE THE F#*K UP!!!! 😁

I've just spurted coffee down my nose. I. Can't. Breathe!!! 😂😂😂 Thank you @xwalkran

Could not agree more. Followed.🙂

When people use exactly the argument that politicians use to refer to other people, especially those who do not have the same criteria in certain points of something, they forget that the argument they are using is that of a politician, a person who needs to be mediatic , controversial to catch the attention and it does not matter if he is right or not, he will look for the media to give him the minute of fame he needs, he is a politician lives to sell ideas and systems, to talk that he is the person who will work for the interests of society, but they will never tell you, what are their real interests, you change a vote so that they come to power and after this really fulfill the things they say ?.

When people use exactly the same arguments that politicians use, they forget that they are pigeonholed in a position where they can not listen to the other party, and they believe that they are owners of the absolute truth.

When you reach a level where the arguments are more disqualifications and insults, the level of radicalism is worrisome, because people are what they say and what they think, and if the attitudes of politicians, celebrities, the media mold the behavior of societies, and people forget what they really are, forget their principles from that moment society goes into decline, and is really worrying.

Worrying indeed @the01crow. Bipartisanship is no longer the domain of politics. The world is increasingly polarised, with a mentality of 'if I disagree with one thing you say, I must disagree with everything you say'. People have become armchair experts in subjects they know nothing about, ironically mirroring the very politicians they criticise. It seems large swathes of the population are radicalised through the hypnotic pull of spoon fed information on the goggle box. Just look at the irrational hatred and fear of Muslims. Millions of Muslims live peacefully side beside their neighbours, valuable members of their local community, yet face unspeakable prejudice because of a tiny number of fanatics, who happen to practice the same religion. And why?.....because "the attitudes of politicians, celebrities, the media mold the behavior of societies, and people forget what they really are, forget their principles". You got that right.

I am from Venezuela, a country where politics divided millions of families because they belonged to a political party, and so much radicalism was part and par that, when one stops to think about both arguments, they almost always have a highly disqualifying offensive, people stopped seeing the other as citizens, and it's a sad thing, I had teachers in that if I explained my argument, as balanced as possible, I could not pass his class, because according to him, things were like he thought they were, and as that teacher I got to know many who had some power over something, people stop being professionals for thinking that way, my policy classes were boring, I could never talk about the 2 postures, or a third, The discussions or comments that are usually made in public transport show a lot the symptoms of that extremism. Things like that make the world as unfair as possible.

I'm lucky to live here in the UK. We have freedom than most. Your country always looks so beautiful with a rich history, it's awful that you are so controlled. I hope you find a community on here where you can truly be yourself.

Agreed. Followed 🙂

This is divide and conquer 101. Political correctness and this fake outrage machine will lead us down a slippery slope. Are you familiar with Jordan Peterson? He has very enlightened views on this topic.

I'm not @newcastle, but would be interested to find out more. I completely agree that it's a slippery slope. Let's hope it stops before reaching the inevitable conclusion.

Who is Jordan Peterson? Would you care to give a nutshell overview? Is he about social engineering in the line of the Tavistock Institute? If yes, I'm very interested...Followed 🙂

Since you asked I made this post giving an overview of him. Check it out. https://steemit.com/politics/@newcastle/who-is-jordan-peterson-why-is-he-so-important

I don’t know much about the Tavistock institute. I’ll have to look into that.

Thank you! Much appreciated. One cannot be informed enough. Cheers 🙂

I think it is something that is really happening in every corner of our world, respect in the debate of ideas and free expression is being affected every day, even more when talking about political issues. Why not share opponents if it is the best way to learn? I do not know if it is the world in which we currently live, full of anger that spreads to everyone or are simply the attitudes of the greatest who have served as an example for society.

I hope that over the years we can all learn to be more tolerant and listen, that will definitely save us from many disasters.

thanks for your post.

I'm not sure how a message of respect and tolerance got so twisted around, but I agree. We all need to learn to be kinder to each other.

Excellent post @looksfarwoman and a very important and timely topic.

Does this mean we are being deliberately manipulated by a controlling elite, into silence and compliance?

Absolutely we are!


Love it. Truth is definitely treated like hate speech these days, no matter how respectfully it is presented or how much evidence is provided to back it up.

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