Our unique patriotism - Thoughts on the conflicts to come

in #politics6 years ago (edited)
I have many friends that live in different parts of the world and talking to them always helps me gain the valuable and needed perspective we all seem to need in life. I really appreciate how these conversations are always eye opening to me, mostly because I'm constantly reminded that the way I see America is completely different from the image we project to the rest of the world.

Our unique label of patriotism is Admired

Specially by the people of countries that are struggling economically with the most obscene corruption and inflation. In the eyes of those who only know of America through the movies, the exaggerated stories and our powerful military, we are either seen as the policing force of the world, or the biggest bully that has ever existed. A nation that as much as its feared, its also admired for its "apparent efficiency". If that last line has you scratching your head, asking yourself if I've had one too many beers, it might be because you've never spoken to these foreigners yourself, some of them stand in awe that we have a working fire department every few blocks, imagine that.

But don't get me wrong, I get it, we are far from perfect and that should be undeniable to a practitioner of honesty. The point I'm trying to make however is that for all the flaws that we may have as a nation, the corruption, the ongoing scandals and all those other things that keep us awake at night, we have thousands of things that actually do work, and as with anything that's taken for granted, they are too easy to forget.

Within our borders

We love to argue, we love to pretend that we are about two teams comically represented by a donkey and an elephant. I've come to conclude that this perceived dichotomy is nothing but an illusion and a tool of distraction. As long as we argue between us, we will be too entertained to much about the things that still need fixing.

Attempting to move away from the fabricated dichotomy, even if its by kneeling peacefully for the national anthem or posting opinions on social media is sometimes labeled as treason and censored. I for one see this attempt to control the masses as an indication of social rot, of erosion of freedoms, but I'm willing to say that I may be allowing my bias to get the best of me.

Why are we always at War?

I've asked myself that very question thousands of times at this point. Is it necessary to keep our sense of patriotism alive? As ugly as that idea might sound to us, it might be very accurate. Having an enemy does wonders to unite a group of people that have a hard time agreeing on anything.

Maybe the answer to that question is even uglier than I can possibly imagine. Maybe the rot goes a lot deeper and for all the money we think is being made by the war mongering elites, there are billions that go completely undetected. Mind you, all this happens, all this death, all these fights, in the name of freedom, covered with a blanket made from our unique sense patriotism.

I have nothing but love for our vets

And I dislike the fact that I constantly have to say that in order to not be attacked by "the unique patriots". Why would I not appreciate people who served the country I call home? Yes, its true, I've never been one to support wars, to reel at the idea of beating the war drums, but my disdain for war has nothing to do with the soldiers that served. They served our country, my country, in the name of our unique patriotism too.

Maybe this unique patriotism is so ingrained into our culture, so essential to our very existence that there is not way to be rid of it. How then could we convince men who started shaving a few months ago, that now is a good time to die in the middle east, because.... freedom, because its somehow our duty to bring freedom to another country?

I'm sorry to be blunt, I'm sorry if I offend you, it just makes no sense to me and it never will. I mean, whats the end goal? what is the outcome we are looking for? Does it even matter? Maybe it doesn't, maybe none of the conflicts to come will change a thing, because just like before they won't change a thing about our unique patriotism and as long as that is intact the machine will continue to chug along, even long after you and I are gone.
Other posts by yours truly

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• I text a friend, How are you feeling?
• Keeping the old me alive
• Full Recording Songwriter Shop Talk Featuring @lillywilton

Oh, most certainly America is far from perfect today!

In fact, at present, as a "CAPTURED Corporate Nation," the "United States, Inc," is corrupt to the absolute core!

Despite such clear observations, the most perfect thing that we currently have in our favor is having the status (basis being the victors of World Wars-1 and 2) and the egregiously flawed and corruptly charted appointment as the (buyer of last resort) placeholder of "money" amid the fictitious “World Reserve FIAT currency paradigm” amongst all western nations.

A false status I might add, which has indeed brought about the onset of BITCOIN, STEEM and the entire world of crypto-currency as it currently exists today.

The ideology of the Patriot’s I most admire, and the patriot I consider myself to be, exists firmly and exclusively within in concepts surrounding the sovereignty of the individual, in keeping with my own beliefs amongst the many who believe firmly in the implicit limitations of the "state" (government) and in favor of the endless empowerment of the individual over the state - the total opposite of what we have today.

Sadly, the “Constitution” upon which America was initially founded has been shat upon so completely, that as a so-called “Country,” the "United States Inc." no longer operates nor exists under the absolute laws and constraints upon which this once great nation of "America" was founded, along with the tenets upon that which made this coveted concept of America truly great, and the shining beacon on the hill for all the world to aspire to.

Yet, the powers that be still insist upon riding upon the coat-tails of such, which have long since been forever frayed into the oblivion of non-existence.

And yes, "the United States Inc." is now in many respects, the world’s most major threat to peace and abundance throughout the world.

War on Terror? or War on Self?

Puleeze people, “The United States Inc.,” who has clearly used the immoral and empty facade of "democracy" to hijack the “Republic of America” for which it once stood, is now global enemy/“terrorist” number 1 alongside Israel, collectively whom pose the greatest threat to humanity at present and into the foreseeable future.

Nonetheless, I’m still a patriot at heart – that is an “original patriot” for those keeping track – and in no way am I empathetic nor aligned with the duplicity and hypocrisy that claims false ownership of the "original" America to which I firmly align myself, and to all that she once stood for.

Peace, Love, and Justice for All

I would just like to add to this that you are a badass @passion-ground.

I'd refer you to my series "Myths of our economy" and the post on "They Hate Us For Our Freedom", but instead I'll tell a little story.

After the Berlin Wall fell, a group of Sovjet news-reporters finally had a chance to visit the US to see the workings of a truly free press, without KGB interference. John Pilger, a famous Australian reporter and documentary maker, took a group of them to New York and LA, and I'll never forget what the Sovjets told Pilger... They were baffled, astonished. They asked Pilger: "How on Earth do you manage this? How can it be that almost all headlines in all news-outings are exactly the same? How can it be that whatever newspaper we read or whatever television show we watch, the same news gets repeated over and over again? We don't understand; back in Russia we needed the constant scare of being arrested by KGB agents to keep us in line..."

What the KGB did in Russia seems to come natural in America. That, my friend, is something to think about. Not that it's better here, in Europe or anywhere else in the world. All governments adhere to their country's role on the world economic stage. And America is the world's provider of weapons.

Man... that feels as uncomfortable as losing one's wallet in the metro... I feel a story coming out of this...

Seems like I had the timing wrong, but what I said about Pilger and the Sovjets can be seen here from 1:30 minutes onward;

Listen to him, it's enlightening :-)

This dude has been striking at the root for decades... I hope that many can set aside their respective limited attention spans for an hour - and enlighten themselves to that which may ultimately pave the way to set them free... Thanks for posting, brother... I will, in short order, watch and absorb this 20-year old bit of enduring wisdom in its entirety...

John Pilger is one of the few remaining objective journalists willing to tell it like it is... Glad you're aware of him...

I'm not only aware of him, I totally agree on your opinion of him as well :-)

Fuck patriotism! It is just another element of manipulation. I hate the idea that I am expected to support bullshit on the basis of the geographical location I was born and reside in.

I will always support the bravery of veterans, and I often contemplate the root of conflict, but damn.

I just don't subscribe to the idea of this team versus that team or the idea that since I was born in a place that it is the greatest place on earth.

I agree Art - ( or "Joe" as it were basis your effin' crazy-ass sky-dive... haha)... Rather than lock, stock, and barrel (off-the-current-shelf) "patriotism," which is most obviously manipulated and twisted out of context to no end these days, how about considering TRUE "patriotism" - as it were, as the disciplined adherence to a simple set of natural laws, which are clearly defined in the constitution, bill of rights, and declaration of independence, that it was intended to be. All of which, have obviously been abandoned most treasonously...

Given such reality, I can agree with you on the one front that - yes, indeed ... "fuck the current lean toward this false patriotism narrative," however, there is a truer definition thereof that most certainly requires respect of the utmost. Do give it some deep thought and see where you arrive thereafter... Much love, brother...

My Life, My Liberty, My Property, My Pursuit to Be...........

Thank you for bringing that up @passion-ground. In my in my experience and frustration I pulled toward "fuck the bullshit", but you make a great point.

The truer sense of patriotism that you speak of I wholly support, and will stand for that until death, maybe even after. However, that is not really what I hear people talk about. I hear people say dumb shit like, "If you don't support today's bullshit then you ain't 'Merican. 'MURICA!!!!!!"
......Uh........When people so proudly holler this I always think, "Okay.....North or South?" and that just confuses people where I come from. lol

Have a great day brother!

I'm with you on that 100% brother! Thanks for tossing that into the mix, man!

I'm obviously with you on this one... the rhetoric is so familiar right now, do you see us not repeating another IRAQ soon?

We are going to repeat this cycle until the end of time apparently.

You are absolutely correct brother, amongst the crime, corruption and scandal there is always something beneficial people can talk about of a nation, not everything is that bad, I get your point.
You always amaze me useful update and a lot of research work done which is always beneficial to people and to community at large.

Hmm, the first few lines reveal my understanding of America, the only place I can compare to America with my understanding is heaven... Lol

Not until I happened to meet one friend here on steemit and we created the bound for she's just too friendly and free, she has told lots of things that cannot be seeing in movies or heard from news about America, reading your article just confirmed those things she has told me.

I so much appreciate the way you analyse things, people like you are not always well valued, they were seen as un-loyal citizens, but I value your actions so much because it comes as a result of your genuine love for your dear country.

Well, America is still better, compared to African countries where corruption is spreading like fire. I'm sure you read or heard about it based on the way you introduced the post. We will not keep quiet until we have our desired world.
Thanks so much.

I only say the things I say because I care, just like @art-mess I freaking care... I know we got many things to be grateful for, but to sit down as if everything is perfect is to be OK with unethical behaviors and I can't subscribe to.

I'm glad you are expanding your mind like this, learning about the things that we don't project out... Honestly, I'm extremely happy you are open to these type of messages.

I'm glad to have learn more by reading from you as well.
This is my first time here, and with this already, I'm sure of a promising future.

Thanks so much.. .